14: What A day.

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Flaky looked at her curiously before nodding her head and patting her shoulder lightly. "Come on we need to go home and let the fire clear out"   She mumbled, helping Y/n to her feet.  She then grabbed Y/n's hand and began leading her back toward their house. They walked for nearly ten minutes in complete silence.  Y/n glanced around her,  taking in the beauty of the trees lining the path. A faint breeze picked up causing a few branches to fall and land around her feet. "The fire seems to have died down" She spoke quietly after a few minutes of silence.  Flaky nodded in response, she still seemed a bit shaken up from what had happened.  After walking a few minutes longer they arrived at the house where Sniffles and Cuddles the next-door neighbor were sitting on their porch chatting with each other.
Flaky smiled and walked up to the door and knocked as soon as they were inside. A moment later a young female purple sheep with wooly white hair and tail fur who wears a wooly white sweater and a small purple bow on her hair came running down the stairs. She gave Y/n a warm smile, "Hey, Flaky, how are you, sweetie? Oh Y/n what happened to your hand?" she asked in concern. Lammy went over to Y/n and took hold of her wrist inspecting the wound that was oozing fresh blood.   "Oh, Y/n you should've told me you cut yourself with those glass bits earlier". Flaky looked over at Y/n apologetically before glancing at the kitchen and motioning for her and the sheep to follow her. Then a small pickle who wears a top hat has a mustache and wears a pair of glasses came running.  He stopped in front of Y/n and examined her wounds. Y/n watched as he frowned, "That must hurt a lot..” he stated bluntly. Y/n blinked at the unexpected reply and slowly walked to her room once she finished listening to them discussing her condition. As soon as she reached her bedroom she immediately fell asleep on her bed and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 
As time passed by, Y/n woke up to find a letter sitting on her pillow.  She sighed as she recognized the handwriting of the person who sent her the letter. It was written neatly on a piece of paper, a flowery script was neatly written along the edge of the letter and the rest of the letter was covered in elegant black cursive writing which was accompanied by a heart drawn at the bottom corner. 

My Flippy with PtsdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora