37: The start of Coma

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"How was the walk?"  Flippy asked as he set the plate down in front of her. She had been eating the pasta silently for nearly 20 minutes. She knew he was just making small talk, he always asks that when he's trying to make you relax and not feel anxious "fine" She replied after a moment. He nodded and walked closer to her. "Are you okay?" he questioned gently placing his clawed hands on her shoulder, looking at her worriedly. She took a deep breath and looked up at him. "I just have a lot running through my mind Flippy nothing about you" she smiled. He pulled her into a tight hug. "Just please be honest with me you know I'm always here for you" he said while stroking her hair in circles. Her hands found their way to his neck and began kissing him.
He pulled away first and smiled at her lovingly. She returned his smile and leaned in to kiss him. "I love you, Flippy" she whispered between kisses. They kissed deeply, savoring each second of their loving embrace. Sadly only in Y/n's head, She smiled and looked up at him "Thanks Flips"  she said happily. He blushed slightly and nodded.
Few hours passed  and the two of them sat on the couch laughing, watching the movie 'Jurassic Park'. "Can't believe he actually Dinosaurs are extinct!"  he exclaimed, pointing the remote in the direction of the screen "You know what, it doesn't matter anymore because we're safe now" She said with a wide grin. He put an arm around her waist and hugged her close, resting his chin on top of her head. "We should watch a zombie apocalypse movie next Y/n!" He suggested "Sure thing Flip, but it would be pretty intense." She said looking him up and down. Flippy laughed quietly at her comment "It's fine it's not like Flipqy would mess with you that I wouldn't know."  She rolled her eyes and playfully shoved him. He responded by hugging her even tighter then started the Movie, it started off calm and cute as usual but soon the characters were getting ready for battle and it started becoming increasingly violent. Y/n grabbed a pillow and threw it at Flippy who was laughing uncontrollably, throwing the remote somewhere into the kitchen. "Hey Flipqy good to see you" His eyes changed into chartreuse as usual.  He smirked and raised an eyebrow "I'm glad to see you as well." He replied. She scooted closer to him until their bodies touched, "So, what were you and Flippy doing?" He said staring at the TV. "We were watching a dramatic zombie movie and I didn't choose it-"   she replied, looking up at him. "Yeah I can see that.." He winked at her and she punched his arm playfully. "But since he picked it and I'm here. I can have a little fun~"   He smirked evilly and turned to face her "What do you want to do Y/n?"  he asked. He watched as a look of amusement filled her eyes. She leaned into his ear and whispered something to him which caused his cheeks to turn red and he nodded enthusiastically. "I didn't know you were the killing type?" "Their are somethings you don't know about me Flipqy." He laughed and placed his hand on her thigh.  "Oh? Like what?" She questioned, leaning forward slightly. Flippy took a sharp intake of breath. "I could show you~" he whispered seductively in her ear. She bit her lip lightly, unsure if she should agree with what he was suggesting. Then they heard a knock on the door and y/n groaned inwardly but stood up anyway. Opening the door she found Doctor Sniffles standing there, holding a suitcase . "Is this where you're taking him?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yes it is, Miss Y/n."  He replied with a polite smile. Flipqy glanced between the two. "What's going on?"  He demanded. The Doctor turned towards him "I'm here to specify–can help others adjust to life outside of their institute..."   He trailed off slightly. "I mean, mostly to help you I just need to give you a few shots and we are done for the day."   He finished. Flipqy glared at him. "Okay... I'll give you some privacy" Y/n replied reluctantly. Doctor Sniffles nodded. "Thank you."  Turning towards Flipqy again, he held his hand out "Give me your arm please"  He stated with a serious expression. Flipqy did as he was told and allowed the doctor to take a syringe full of a black liquid out from the case and insert it into his upper arm. Once he'd done that he began to place bandages around Flipqy's upper arm, covering it completely. "I'm surprised you didn't kill me yet-" "I only didn't because Y/n is still here but if she wasn't you would be dead" he answered bluntly. "Oh ho ho... I wouldn't be the one dead."     Next thing you know.
Flipqy was laying in bed, covered in blood and surrounded by many bandaged wounds. Y/n had also made sure to come back every 5 minutes. She came in, looked at him with concern in her eyes and sat next to him until he got comfortable.  "You Alright?" "No...how did I get here? What's going on?"  He asked tiredly. Y/n sighed "The doctor told me you might get a coma for a couple of days."   Flipqy shook his head "That can't be possible right?". Y/n hesitated before answering "...it is." "I see..." He thought for a moment, contemplating whether he should tell her what was happening. "It won't be as bad as everyone makes it sound right?" He finally asked. She shrugged  "No. It won't, but that's what the doctors say anyway."  Flipqy nodded.  "Wait who are you again?"
(Flippy is Erased but Flipqy will be next! Next chapter will be coming up soon♡)

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