Damien nodded thoughtfully. That meant she was still having a hard time surviving. Damien felt a stubborn stab of guilt in his chest but he chose not to dwell on it, "Anything else?"

Mr Rudiger nodded, extracting some colored print outs from the files and a flash drive, handing it over to Damien, "You wanted to know where she is working at. She recently got a job at a big bakery in town, and from my findings, the pay is decent enough. Apart from that, there aren't any other drastic changes or events you should know about."

Damien stared at the photos of the bakery in his hand.

It didn't look familiar but the name did sound familiar so Damien figured it must be well-known. So she had a job now.

That was... good. He sucked in a breath when he came across a picture of Madison standing at the entrance of the bakery, with someone.

It wasn't a rather clear picture so he figured she must have gotten into the image by mistake, and she even looked unawares too. Not wanting to act strange in front of his private investigator, he faced the pictures down on his desk, and turned back to Mr Rudiger waiting for him to say more.

There was still one question which stood at the back of his mind had not been answered yet, and as of the investigator had read his mind, he said once more, "And as for her marital status, Madison Connor remains unmarried, neither is she seeing anyone at the moment."

Damien did not understand why he felt so much lighter and relieved at Mr Rudiger's words, and it was for some reason that he just couldn't explain.

He was happy that Madison was not dating anyone at the moment. He knew it shouldn't be a big deal nor matter to him, but he couldn't understand why that piece of information made him glad.

Nevertheless he waved it out of his mind, and thanking Mr Rudiger, he put the files and the flash drive he had been given on his desk.

He glanced briefly at the flash drive in relief, happy that the information was there already. He had been so relieved when Mr Rudiger told him he had recovered the files earlier this morning and as he watched the investigator pack up his files he smiled and said genuinely, "Thank you, you've done a lot."

"It's no problem, sir." The investigator insisted, giving a short nod as he made to leave.

Damien stopped him, slipping a hand into his wallet and taking out some bills.

"Here, take this. You deserve it for all you've done. Get yourself a nice lunch, yeah?"

Smiling ruefully, Mr Rudiger thanked him and then he was gone.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, Damien quickly inserted the flash drive into his computer, not wanting to waste any more time or take any chances. Finally the files began to load.

First, he came across a folder which contained pictures of Madison. He could tell that the pictures were from a few years ago, and Damien's breath caught in his throat as he stared at each of them.

She looked... breathtaking, just like she always had. His heart squeezed in pain as memories of the past came flooding back.


They had been so good together. Everything had been going so well. Perfectly, to be honest. Until she had decided to change that...

Flashback... Some years back...

"W-what?" Damien whimpered, his voice shaky as he stared at Madison who stood at the other end of the room, her arms folded. He had never seen her look like that before.

She seemed... cold. Her face was expressionless, as she stared right back at Damien, making no move to take back what she had just said, "You heard me. That's all I came here to talk to you."

Her voice was strong, steady. There wasn't a trace of uncertainty in them, and it was in that moment that Damien felt his world crashing down on him.

"Maddie...babe, please. You can't possibly mean that... What the hell!" He cursed, but she still didn't say a word.

All she did was stare back at him with those emotionless eyes, and Damien felt the back of his eyes begin to burn.

He moved closer to her. "Maddie, please. I love you, you know that. I don't understand where all of this is coming from—"

"Just stop it, Damien!" She cut him off, "We can't be together anymore, okay? I don't want to be with you anymore. Is it so difficult to understand? Worse still the rumors you've been hearing is true and I just came here to confirm them. We are done Damien, done!"

Damien felt his heart breaking as Madison shook her head, "That is all I have to say." She finished, and without as much as a second glance at Damien, she stormed out of the room, leaving Damien staring after her, while he struggled to keep himself from breaking down in tears.

His whole world, just fell apart right before his eyes.

Flashback ends...

Damien shut his eyes tightly at the memory, pain shooting up his body.

He didn't think he would ever forgive her for what she had done to him. Even after all these years it still hurt him so much. She had ripped his heart out, leaving him broken.

He had never hurt so much in his entire life, and till now the pain was still there.

It still hurt so much.

Shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts, Damien quickly regained his composure, going through the rest of what was on the flash drive.

The flash drive... and that was when reality struck heavily.

As he downloaded the rest of the documents and tapped on them, he nearly fell off his chair in shock. He zoomed in on the pictures he was staring at.

His heart began to race in his chest as he continued to scroll through. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. When he came across some audio recordings, he pressed play and began to listen to them.

No, no, no.

This couldn't be. It couldn't be...

His palms were clammy with sweat as his fingers gripped the material of his trousers, and the pasts slammed into his head in full force.

The more he played through all the audio messages, the pictures he stared at, and some other information that was to real to be true, the deeper he fell into disbelief.

Could this be possible... No! But what the fucking hell was going on?


Thanks for reading. 💕

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