The Price You Pay: Chapter 09

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A/N: This chapter contains, I believe, some much awaited progress. And, finally, a little Vansh. Don't blink though, or you'll miss him... ;)


Maya looks over her shoulder at the mess, then back at me. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't lash out, either. She swallows, I can tell that even from where I am standing at the other side of the bed.

My heart is crashing out of my chest. I clench my fists and breathe rapidly through my nose, my eyes fixed on Maya and waiting for her reaction.

Rajeev would have leaped over the bed by now and jumped on me.

Stefan would have cooed me into a false sense of safety and pull me in for a hug before his comforting arms turned into constraining ones.

I don't know what Maya will do. I had to find out sooner or later, and honestly, I am pissed about what they did to me. Of everything they could have done, they took away the one thing I thought I had still - control over my consciousness. I put my trust in them by allowing them to prepare my medication.


Stupid girl, see what you get? This is what you deserve.

I am momentarily horrified as I think of what they could have done to me whilst I was out. But then again, no… I was still in my clothes and I think I heard Maya saying she didn't want to meddle with me.

Well, she should have thought of that before she drugged me.

Fucking hell.

Maya still stands looking at me, no doubt thinking of what she will do to me. I'm hoping for a beating and nothing else. That would be the easy way out, of course.

I don't really believe the no-violence promise anymore.

I wait.

"You are upset."

No shit, Sherlock.

"I will go downstairs and leave you to calm down. Come and meet me when you're ready, so we can talk. Just talk, Riddhima. No violence." Her voice is calm, almost flat, but there is hurt in her face.

She leaves the room without further ado, and I stand frozen. Her footsteps trail down the stairs and only when I know she can no longer hear me, does a sob escape me.

And another.

And another.

I bend forward and lean my still clenched fists on the bed to accommodate my irregular breathing. A anxiety attack combined with a break down, that's a combination I've rarely had before.

A third variable sets in swiftly and I make it to the toilet just in time as my breakfast finds its way back out through my throat.

I rinse my mouth when the retching is finally stopping and drag myself to a corner of the room. There I sink down and sit for long hours. I'm too weary to think. I feel unworthy to seek the comfort of Renee's quilt. I never felt the need to provoke her like I did with Maya just now.

By God.

Then again Renee got paid to be nice to me and we both knew I was there temporarily. But somewhere deep down, I think I never thought Renee would hurt me. She could have sent me back to Rajeev easily if she wanted to. Yet, she didn't. She just waited patiently until I could be sent off to the other side of the country. How very convenient. Right?

My eyes are closed, but every so often I open them to steady my sense of balance. I'm still dizzy, but it seems to be coming along in waves now, it's less constant. I'm shaky from the vomiting and my headache is just as bad as yesterday again. I need food and I need meds. But for both of those I will have to get down and meet Maya.

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