The Price You Pay: Chapter 08

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The silence says it all.

Floating. Noise. Delicious drowsiness. I'm drifting in nothingness.

"What happened?"

That's not Vedant's voice.

"Maya, did she faint?"

That's Vedant's voice.

"I'm so sorry."

Maya is sobbing.

"Why is there blood on her cheek?"

Vedant again.

"Her hands are bleeding. She wiped her face, and I saw the blood. I took her wrists to look at it and she collapsed. I wasn't thinking, how could I be so careless?"

"Ssh, mom. You meant the best. Ssh."

Fingers around my wrist.

Hey, I don't think I like that. In my attempt to get away, I roll my head.

Whoah. Dizzy.

"Riddhima? Are you awake?"

No, not really. Hmmm. No, definitely not.

"Wow. What happened to her?"

Annoying panicking squealy voice. Go away, squealy voice.

"Natasha, I think it's best you go home now."

"Can't I help with something?"

"Go home, Natasha. I'll see you in school tomorrow."

Too much sound. I frown against the noise.

"Riddhima? Are you awake? Can you hear us?"

Go. Away.

"Maya, did she fall on her head?"

That's Vedant again, his voice very close to me now. Fingertips on the side of my head, ghosting, probing.

Hey, what — ouch!

Oooh, that's not good. That is very definitely not good. I flinch and hiss.

"Riddhima, can you hear me?"

Vedant. He's lifting my head now. I squeeze my eyes shut as the world tumbles and I feel like falling, although I appear to be flat on the ground.

Gah. There seems to be something a little off with me.

"I couldn't hold her, she went down so fast. I am so sorry."

"We have to get her off the floor. Vansh, can you carry her?"

"What? Me?"

"You are stronger than I am. We need to get her into bed. I am afraid she might have a concussion. Can you hold her?"

"Dad, I'm not sure… I mean, after last night… What if she panics again? I don't want to upset her."


Hmmm, almost asleep now. Glorious, luxurious feeling indeed.

"Vansh, she's almost fully out. I'm fairly certain she'll hardly notice you holding her. Please help me."

"Um, yeah, okay."

Something slipping under my shoulders, something else under my knees.

Hey, wait a…

Oh sweet Jesus I am flying now.

Never knew you could be so dizzy from flying.

Hmm. Seems I'm not flying anymore.

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