~ Getting to know you! ~

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The grabber left the room locked it this time. You laid on your bed and sighed. You began to close your eyes before you heard the phone ring "Ugh." You got up and answered it. "Hello?" You asked the other person on the other line. You heard the door open. "What's with phone. It doesn't work not sense I was a kid. Hang it up now." He said I slowly hung it up. "Now..." He paused "They me about yourself." You stare at him "Well my name is Bella." She paused he didn't have feelings. He was a nobody. He's just a sad man livening alone who has a 17-year-old girl in his basement. He waved his hand in my face "Hello??" He said I jump back to reality "What." She speaks. He smiles "nothing~" he says "Anyway I don't need to tell you jackshit!" Bella yells He stood there and walked back to the door "*sigh* Whatever guess you won't eat." you just stood there He did not fnvking say that i was not gonna eat "I'm gonna die!" I yell before he left "hmm... True true...."

Jazmin's POV:

School was out and I was leaving before I hear boys running after me. I began to run but they kept running at me soon i was pushed to the ground "HEY WHAT THE HEL-" The boy covered my mouth with his hand "Shut it slut." The other boys laugh. "The whole school knows you sleep with men for money!" I lay there in wanting to cry "I DON'T SLEEP WITH MEN!!" I yell. "Sure, sure darling."  The other boy said. He had black long hair. Then one of them picked up my shirt and punched me in the face. "YEAH, GET THAT SLUT!!" One of the boys said. Then I hear Robin's voice "Do we got a problem here?" He asked he was pissed like really PISSED. "Go away nerd." the curly brown-haired kid said. "Hmm not when someone calls my friend a slut." Robin was always there for me he was a sweetheart. Robin got on top of the curly brown kid and started punching him leaving him with a nosebleed and a purple eye. The other boys got off of me and tried hitting Robin. Robin punched one and then got off of the other boy and kicked the boy who punched me. "Tch bitch you will pay." Then they left. I got up limping from the fall. "Hey hey slow down!!" Robin said "I'm okay Robin." He rolled his eyes "Then why do you have a nosebleed?" I sighed "Okay i lied." Then i hugged him. "Thanks." I speak. "No problem but if those guys do that again they're not going to see the damn light again." He said pissed I laughed and hugged him tighter.

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