Your first date

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Being that's he's Tony Stark, he took you to a really fancy restaurant and you guys totally gossiped about the Avengers. After dinner he took you back to the compound and you watched a movie before falling asleep together on the couch.

Steve hasn't been on a date, probably ever, so he did something really simple. He set up a picnic for you with all your favorite foods and you guys just talked about life and how things were going. At the end of the night you for sure shared a kiss.

Bucky is a pretty simple guy, so you guys just watched a movie and ate some snacks. Through out the night you would notice Bucky looking at you, but everytime you look over, he shifted his gaze to the tv. By the end of your date, you were cuddles up to his chest, sleeping peacefully.

She took you out for some drinks, wanting to truly get a chance to get to know you and converse. She was really sweet to you too, allowing herself to open up and tell you about her past as you did the same. Like Steve, she got a kiss at the end of your date.

While you, Sam, and Bucky were down spending some time with his sister, he decided to take you out for a peaceful boat ride. You guys laughed together and told eachother funny stories. At one point Sam showed you funny videos of Bucky and him from Redwing. You and Sam had a lot of fun.

Loki wasn't the type to show his feelings toward you, but he was really sweet. He took you to Asgard and you just spend time walking around, talking about your childhoods and other things. He would wrap his arm around you when you got cold and would tell you sweet things you didn't expect from Loki. He even kissed you on your forehead before the end of the date.

Like his brother, Thor took you to Asgard, but you got to meet his father and mother. You shared lots of laughs with the gods and godess over dinner and eventually got to spend the night there with Thor.

Peter took you to a local cafe Mj worked at, wanting to get to know you better. You guys spent time working on your relationship and by the end of the date he asked you if you wanted to meet up tomorrow for coffee again.

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