"Spotted a cuchillo on the grey tail... it's up to you boss, what you wanna do?

Dont take him, keep watching"


"What else?"

"Everything is on track

"Pretty Routine

"Good on Mama Bear"

Okay, I have a plan. Just let me move a couple more things around and we'll move ...now Get back to it "

"Okay boss"

In the car

Why didn't you tell me?

Tell you what?

That you kept seeing Jigsaw- i mean Deb, why didn't you tell me?

"I thought it was a coincidence, its a salon, women come in all the time"

"Nothing in this life is a coincidence, from now on, if there's anything you see that looks out of place or even if it seems too normal no matter how simple, tell me.

'Okay, do you've detail on my family too?"


'But, how...okay"

"I have one more thing for us to do"


We drive to daniels mom's house but we dont pull up to the front, instead, he drives far into her backyard and park,

"Let's go

He gets out and we walk for about a few minutes and there's remi waiting on us...who is this man and how did he even get here first?

I got this man"

Daniel walks over to a table where remi stood and takes three cardboard cutouts of his dad and places them at different points in the open, then he walks over to me and reaches into his waistband, and pulls out a gun...he takes a step towards me and i take a step back

"Trust me," he says and takes another step toward me.

He takes my hand and places the gun in my palm

This is my first time. Being this close to a gun, i never

This is a Glock 19, right now it has three bullets in the magazine, you've three targets, i need you to shoot the targets

"Dan, what. No. I don't want to do that"

"Hey, look at me, it will never come to this, this is just a precautionary measure, i wanna make sure you're safe at all  times ..if you really really dont want to we can go

I trust him, and i trust that he knows what he's doing...

"Okay, I'll do it"

"Okay, get your stance right, we dont want you to go flying away, keep your grip high and tight, focus on your target, and shoot to kill"

I point the gun at the cardboard cut out but everything becomes blurry and my sight is focused on the gun that's in my hand and not the actual target, this is scary..

I close my eyes and shoot then i feel his hard chest on my back

I told you, keep your stance right, even out your body weight, relax your shoulders, breathe, keep the gun high, like this,... now...shooot

I pull the trigger and the bullet grazes a cardboard cut out

Not bad but remember, shoot to kill, always go for the head..one more bullet, our life depends on this, I'm in danger and you're the only one here to help me, shoot him

Well, maybe it'll help if i wasnt shooting your dad daniel,

Picture someone else's face there, its just a few cutouts that we've left from an event. Picture a cruel person,

Breathe and shoot

He takes a step back and i shoot, it hits the cutout in the neck

'Good Enough, Great Job baby!"

He gently takes the gun from my hands and pulls me into a hug, the way my heart is galloping I'm pretty sure he can feel it through my sweatshirt

"You did good, we'll work on getting you better and also...

He takes a step back and points the gun in remi's direction and pulls the trigger, it barely misses Remi and my heart speeds up even more...

There were more than three bullets, that's also something we need to work on.

My God help my soul!

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiii, My babies! I missed you guys so much, i hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, don't forget to vote and follow the book on IG @1capture_d. Love you!

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