White Berets//Chapter 83

Start from the beginning

Robin sat down on the rails and crossed her legs, "Is it about the 1 billion extol fee? We certainly didn't pay it."

Usopp tried to find find what the reason was, "...But that old lady said.... We could pass!!"

Faythe scoffed, "Obviously it was a trap..."

Captain McKinley was starting to get on Faythe's nerves, "Please stop making excuses. Just admit your guilt! ...There's no need to panic, though. According to Heaven's Judgement, illegal trespassing... Is only A Class-11 Crime. After serving punishment, you will immediately become regular tourists."

Sanji folded his arms and leaned on one foot, "You should have said that earlier! I don't like it, but what's the punishment?"

"It's very simple. Just pat a fine that is 10 times the entry fee! Each person is now 10 billion extol... which means 80 billion extol for eight people. Pay now and your criminal status will be erased immediately!!"

Faythe slammed a fist into the rails, "SIMPLE MY ASS—!! THAT'S WAY TOO MUCH!!"

"WHA... WHAT!? 80 billion extol...!?" Usopp was trembling nervously in his place, "How much is that in Beli???"

Captain McKinley tilted his head in thought, "Beli... That's the currency of the Blue Sea, isn't it? In Beli... 10,000 extol is 1 beli."

Usopp tried to do the math on his fingers but gave up half way and turned to Robin, our wise lady on the ship, "....Which means how much?"

Robin closed her eyes and calmly answered, "So 80 billion extol would mean 8 million beli."

Sanji snapped at the outrageous range, "TOO MUCH!! WITH THAT MUCH MONEY I COULD BUY TONS OF RICE!"

"OR BETTER YET! A YEAR SUPPLY OF FOOD TO LAST LUFFY!" Faythe called out, which earned a few snickers from her crew mates.

Sanji continued, ignoring Faythe's sly comment, "WE RISKED OUR LIVES TO GET HERE. WHY DO WE HAVE PAY THAT MUCH MONEY!!?"

McKinley only gave them a shrug, "If you had paid the entrance fee in the beginning, it would have only been 800,000 Beli."


"Let's go find Nami-San. She may be lost somewhere and crying right now!" Sanji tried to persuade the crew.

Zoro finally made his way up the stairs to the front and stood beside Faythe, "What's happening?"

Faythe glanced at the Swordsmen, "Complete bullshit."

"How long til you expect a fight to break out?" Zoro had a smirk creep out his face.

Faythe let out a chuckle, "Any minute now. Just gotta wait til Nami comes back."

"You think Nami is coming back right now?"

"Nami is a professional at running away in tight situations. She'll be fine." Faythe gave him a shrug with a confident grin.

"Pssh! You right about that." Zoro rolled his shoulders back as he rested a hand on one of his swords.

"This is only a warning, but we are the White Berets, the direct servants of the high priests. And if you continue to deny your guilt, your criminal status will become worse!"

Faythe slammed a foot onto the rails, "WELL YOU CAN YOUR GOD THAT HE CAN HAVE MY FOOT SHOVED UP HIS—!!" Her mouth was muffled by both Chopper and Usopp.

"Are you mad-!?"

"Your only gonna get us in more trouble!!!"

Unfortunately the Captain must've heard of the insult, "Insulting the God Enel is a S Class Crime 4!!" He jutted a pointer finger at the Faythe.

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