The reason I have no self-confidence

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When I am really happy and exited I am acting like a child. Happily jumping arround, hugging or hitting my friends, joking around. Somtimes I get loud. Crazy, talking weird things, enjoying time.

But the most people get annoyed of it...


"Don't talk so loud!"

"Lower your voice!"

"Why are you acting so weird? Stop that!"

"People will think we are weird."

"U are so cringe!"

"Why are you acting like a child?"

It doesn't only kill my mood, It hurts me every time. Why can't I be happy without acting weird?

The paradox thing is:
The same people then ask me:

"Why are you so quiet?"

"U need to talk louder, people don't understand you."

"You have to get more self-confidence."


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