This did not go like I thought it would. My representative argued and got permission to conduct a test, but the King took over. Now I am released with a war on my hands.

We had to get out of here before he changed his mind. I grab Lila and we make a run for it. There is a driver waiting outside to take us to the airport. Our flight doesn't leave for another hour.

We sit down at one of the airport restaurants and I get a double shot of whiskey. Lila chuckles.

I get my phone out and dial Greg. I fill him in on what's happening and have him go to the dungeons to speak with Marvin's man.

I then call my father and tell him the news. The waitress comes over and I order a burger and fries while Lila has the same with a vanilla milkshake and a coke. She sips from the drink simultaneously.

The flight home is rotten with Lila sick in the bathroom most of the trip. She looks green as she takes her seat. She lays her head on my arm and I ask for a hot towel.

She groans. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I just cleared my stomach so now I am hungry again but too nauseous to eat," she says. Is it always going to be like this?"

"I honestly don't know. Ask your mom," I say.

"Are you going to fight Alpha Marvin?" She asks.

"If I have to. It probably should have been done a long time ago. He's an unfit Alpha and now he's coming for what's mine," I say.

"He's going to try to kill you," she says.

"I can handle myself. Don't underestimate me. I know how to fight," I say.

She looks up at me, searching my face before she puts her head back on my arm. I caress her face again and can feel her calming down. I move to her neck and she's up and running for the bathroom again.

As soon as we land my parents are there to pick us up. My Mom takes one look at Lila and says, "you look terrible. What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant," she says. My Mom squeals and then grabs her face. She kisses her cheeks and says thank you. My Mom embraces her while my Dad slaps me on the back. "Good job son."

I feel a little disgusted but help my mate into the backseat. Once I sit down she rests her head on my lap and falls asleep.

"How far along is she?" My Mom asks.

"Five weeks," I say.

"That would make her due around March," she says. "That'll be nice."

"What do you want to have," she asks.

"A happy, healthy baby," I say.

"You don't care about the sex?" She asks.

"Not one bit," I say.

"If it's a female, will you make her Alpha?" My Dad asks.

"I'd have to discuss that with Lila," I say.

"But where are you leaning," he asks.

"Towards yes. We could use some more female Alphas," I say.

"I'll be grandfather to a female Alpha. Sounds good to me. We have always been a progressive family," he says.

The weight of what just happened dragged me down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep before they could ask me any more questions.

When we got home, I carried Lila to our bedroom and laid her down for a nap. I joined her. Lila was gone when I woke up. I went downstairs to look for her. She was in the dining room eating.

I sat down with her and ordered two grilled cheese sandwiches. We ate in silence until she said, "you would have a female Alpha for a daughter?"

"Why not?" I say between bites.

"Don't you think that would be complicated and dangerous?" She asks.

"We can make it so she can't be Alpha until she's marked and mated so she'll have some protection," I say.

"I don't even want to think about that right now. She's not even born yet much less developed into a she," she says.

"Point taken," I say. "I just like to think ahead."

"I appreciate that about you," she says. "Do you have a plan for Alpha Marvin?"

"I do, but you're not going to like it," I say. "To prevent war I'm going to challenge him directly."

"Killy Willy!" I hear from who can only be my sister Josephine.

"Hey Joey," I say standing to give her a hug. "How's it going?"

"Forget about me. I was just teaching," she says. "I hear you have been busy. Is this your mate?''

"Where are my manners? Joey, this is Lila, my mate. Lila, this is my sister, Josephine. She's your age," I say.

Lila stands up to shake her and Josephine grabs her for a hug saying, "handshake? No, we hug in this family. Though Wesley might not like that. He's in that awkward stage. He decided to stay for the break."

Lila got up and ran to the bathroom.

"What's wrong with her?" Joey asks.

"She's pregnant," I say.

"No kidding? Me too!" She says.

"You found your mate?" I ask.

"Not exactly," she says and my mother faints.

A/N Alpha King

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