Soon his angry self calmed down and he got out of the shower .

On his way back , he kept on receiving glances and glares but he couldn't care less what people were going to say about him.

He went back to his hostel, got dressed as headed to class.

Some students were defending their projects . Tomorrow was his turn and he wasn't ready yet.

He looked around and noticed Anas was not in class .

'It was good for him'... Asad thought as he quietly listened to those who spoke in front of the class about their project topic.

When classes were over, he met Kamal and the remaining members of the group at the cafeteria , happily laughing over something in Kamal's phone.

"What's so funny?"... Asad asked when he neared them.

"Take a look"... Amir spoke as he turned Kamal's phone for Asad to see.

Asad looked at the screen and saw Him and Anas in the background.

"Can't a guy desire another guy. Why are you doing this to me".... Anas dramatically shouted .

Asad then stared at the crowed then back and Anas and gave him a hard punch right on his face causing him to pass out.

Gasps followed Asad's actions.

Asad then stood up and glared at the crowd.

"Can't you all learn to mind your f**king business"... he hissed and walked away.

Asad looked at the caption under and read it out loud. "Gays of the school".

Amir turned back the phone and stared at Kamal.

"I didn't know your cousin was gay"... Amir joked but Asad got pissed off and walked away.

He went to his hostel and wanted to punch the walls but then Nawal just came to his mind making him stop.

He stared at his well bandaged fists then started thinking about her and like a magic spell. He started calming down.

'What are you doing to my head Nawal'... he thought as he ran his hand through his hair then heaved a sigh.

He went to his bed to pick up his journal and project and met Anas there, lifelessly lying down.

Asad hissed and leaves the room with his belongings.

He heads straight to the library and observes how all gazes fell on him.

"Hey , isn't that the guy we saw in that's video"... one of the girl there whispers.

Another girls stares at Asad from head to toe before replying "Yeah, he is quite hot if you ask me. Too bad his gay, it's a pity "... she whispers back to her friend.

Asad simply ignores them and start reading his project. He ended up reading for a while then picks up his story book and bury himself in it till he drifts away to another world where he was happy with his Father and most of all his Mom.


Nawal headed to the library to read till day break but stopped midway in her tracks , she met Asad fast asleep with books scattered all around him.

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