"You really think he's going to not believe it after all that? Did you miss the part where I said you would be in a suit?" George laughed, resting his head back against his pillow with a smile when Patches crawled into frame.

"No, he probably will believe it." Dream admitted with a soft laugh, as to not scare away Patches. "But just in case, you know?" Dream continued his thought, petting her gently.

"Whatever we have to do to seal the deal, I guess. But we can't be too obvious about the little stuff or he'll see right through it." George clarified. Dream watched as George's blinks started to get slower, his smile fading a bit as he relaxed.

"Yeah, because the grand gesture won't be cheesy and see through enough." Dream laughed, watching the smile return to George's face when his eyes fully closed.

"Treat me like any other person you've dated. Call me 'baby' or something." George yawned, pushing his face further into his pillow.

"Baby?" Dream questioned, trying to hold back his laughter, since he could tell George was close to falling asleep.

"Yeah?" George responded.

"No, I'm not-" Dream cut himself off, letting out a laugh before he could stifle it. "I'm not calling you baby right now, I was asking that in an 'are you serious?' way." Dream explained.

"Oh." George let out a small laugh that sounded more like an exhale, his features completely relaxing a few moments later, as he fell asleep.

Dream smiled, hanging up the phone and pulling Patches closer to his chest. She let out a meow as her form of protest, but quickly settled back down. Dream fell asleep minutes later, knowing the next few days before George's arrival were going to be even more hectic than he expected.

As soon as Dream woke up, he started gathering everything George told him to, plus a few extra things he thought could help strengthen their prank. He figured George would have to have some kind of genuine reaction to make it believable.

"Okay, I try not to judge your spending habits- but what the fuck is all this?" Sapnap asked with a laugh, sifting through Dream's bags from Target. This was also Dream's fifth Target run in the last three days since he and George starting planning their prank. Dream walked over to Sapnap, taking the box of chocolates out of his hands before he could dig into them.

"These are for George, not you." Dream scolded. He hip bumped Sapnap away from the bags, beginning to unload them himself.

"Chocolates, flowers, cologne, the house is already getting overrun with all these fucking balloons-" Sapnap stopped, punching one of the balloons that lazily floated by. "Oh my fucking god, you didn't... You did! You printed out fanart of you guys?" Sapnap burst into laughter, flicking through the photos Dream had gotten developed.

"Don't get your nasty finger prints on them. Do you have any idea how hard it was to find a place that even still prints photos?" Dream rushed, taking the stack of photos away.

"How come I didn't get such a warm welcome, hmm? I thought you didn't have a favorite child." Sapnap teased, walking over and eating one of the chocolate covered strawberries Dream had just made.

Even though Dream was planning to just shoo Sapnap away, saying it was none of his business, he figured it might be beneficial to start the prank a few hours early- just getting Sapnap warmed up.

"Pfft, yeah I wonder for whatever reason I would be welcoming George home differently than I did for you." Dream laughed, deciding to walk over and eat one of the strawberries too. He had to turn away to hide his smile when Sapnap stopped chewing midbite, like he was trying to process what Dream meant.

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