"Just stop. What are you doing? Trying to get her to reject him? It's not like you didn't have oral sex before me," she says.

"I didn't. I would have told you," I say.

"I wouldn't leave you just because you had sex or oral sex with someone," she says.

"You don't have to worry about that," I said. "The one time I had a drunken indiscretion, my dick wouldn't even get hard."

"What are you talking about?" She asks, looking perplexed.

"Before I went to Alpha school my friends got me drunk. I tried to have sex with this girl named Tara but my dick wouldn't get hard," I say. "No big deal."

"Did she suck your dick?" She asks.

"She tried to," I say, feeling the hole I am digging. "Nothing happened."

"She saw your dick and you exchanged fluids. It counts," she says.

"But she didn't really see it. It stayed soft," I say.

"I'm not arguing with you about this. By your own words you had sex with her. I'm going to see my parents," she says.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I ask.

"No. I don't want to look at you right now," she says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because you lied," she says, walking away.

Me: You want to go out for drinks?

Gregory: Nah man. Just come over here. Bring a bottle or two.

Me: What do you want?

Gregory: Whiskey.

Me: Be there in a minute.

I went to the rec room and grabbed two bottles of whiskey then made my way over to Gregory's.

His mate Susie answers the door. "Hey Susie. How's it going?"

"Would be better if you weren't going to get my mate drunk," she says.

"I need some guy time to prove a point," I say.

"What? That you're stupid when you're drunk? I can tell them that. Who is this for?" She asks.

"My mate," I say.

"Just send her my way. I have stories," she says.

"Killian, step into my office," Gregory says.

I hand him one of the bottles which he quickly opens and takes a swig. This is exactly what I need. I open my bottle and take a swig.

Lila POV

"Look sweetheart, I had my first ultrasound. It's a boy," my mom says as I walk into her house.

"Dad finally gets the son he always wanted," I say happy for him. "I'm not too happy with men right now."

"What did Killian do?" She asks.

I tell her everything including what's really bothering me. If he was willing to sleep with her then why did he take so long when I went into heat?

Respecting my wishes is one thing, but that was absolute torture. I was over not wanting him touching me on day one. He let me go for so long.

"Darling you should be proud he respected your wishes for so long. Not to mention your heat will continue every couple of months until you get pregnant. Then you'll be free," my mom says.

"Wait, what? I'm going to go through that again? Until I get pregnant?! We agreed to wait,' I say. "He better not know about that."

"He probably doesn't. It's a she-wolf issue," my mom says. "Oral sex is sex darling. You count it when you're with Killian don't you?"

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