Secretly hunting anomalies

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"Why did we spend so much money for this..."

A strange female voice speaks and another female voice responds.

"Oh come on Lucinda, you're the one who wanted to do this! Besides, it'll be fun, just us and the animatronics for five whole days! Besides, we're doing this for the ghosts!"

A male voice speaks this time. "Hey, Domino, you do realize those are only rumors right? There might not even be any ghosts and we could've spent all this money for nothing."

Mila goes closer to the voices and sees three tall people, One with black and white hair, the one she believes to be Domino, a one with orange hair, who she believes to be Lucinda, and the other one with brown hair who she doesn't know the name of yet.

"Oh really, Noe? Then why is there a little girl in the vents staring at us?"

Mila realizes she probably got too close to the vent and decides to go down since they already know she's there. Domino waves at her while the other two look confused. Noe speaks.

"Really? And who are you waving at?"

Domino points at Mila. "This girl here. Come on, stop playing around. Hey little girl, what's your name and who's your parents?"

Mila gets confused. "Wait, you can see me?"

Domino smiles and nods. "Yes, I can. Why are you acting like that's not nor-"

She looks at Mila more and realizes she's see-through.

"Uh, guys, I think we found our first ghost."

Lucinda takes something out of the backpack she's holding. Domino navigates Lucinda to where Mila is and presses a button on the small, strange box.

"Noe, get out the camera! We could find proof that this place is haunted by the ghosts of the children who died here!"

Noe nods and grabs a camera from his backpack and presses a button.

"Ok, recording now!"

Lucinda puts her hand over the top of the box and starts speaking. "Ok, so we think we've found the ghost of Mila Woods, the girl who died here a while ago. Now there's a reason why I'm not revealing how long ago she died. Now Mila, try to get as much energy as you can and speak into this box so we can hear you. It's ok if you can't do it on the first try, just try your best. Now, please answer this question. How long ago did you die?"

She removes her hand from the box and Mila gets closer to it and speaks.

"I think six months ago?"

The three of them get excited and Noe points at the box.

"We just heard a little girl's voice say six months! Dude, that is amazing! And I believe she did die about six months ago too. Do you realize how much evidence we're gonna get? Maybe all this money we spent wasn't for nothing after all!"

Mila gets excited that they could hear her and decides to speak again.

"Let me go get my brother Jeremy! I'll be back!"

Mila leaves and hears Domino really happy.

"She's gonna get another spirit! And if I remember correctly, Jeremy is her older brother. She also has a sister named Jane, so she might be getting her too. We're probably not gonna get any more voices since she left too, so turn the spirit box off to save the battery, but keep the camera rolling."

Mila smiles to herself and starts skipping towards the main stage area. Once she gets there, she looks around before seeing Jane and Jeremy talking to each other. She quickly runs over to them and pulls on Jeremy's sleeve.

"Jeremy! Jane! Come on, I wanna show you something! Hurry up!"

She grabs each of their hands and starts to drag them where the three people are. Jeremy and Jane follow her up until they see the three people sitting down and talking. Jeremy pulls her back and starts lecturing her on why it's dangerous to go near people who aren't dead. Noe perks up and points to near the area where the siblings are.

"Do you guys hear that? It sounds like arguing. Hold up, Domino, you get the camera out of your backpack and start recording. I'm going to stop recording on this one and review the footage, see if the mic picked it up."

Domino does that and Noe puts in headphones and listens.

"There's definitely some arguing, but it's not understandable what the people are arguing about. There's some words here and there, but that's about it."

Mila finally manages to at least convince her siblings to go near them for a little bit, and points at Domino.

"She can see me! She's like Lacey and Margaret! The other two can't, so they should be safe to mess around with."

Jeremy sighs. "Fine, fine. Let's just go quickly. Don't say more than you have to, and don't mention anything about the suits."

Navy shakes her head. "Jeremy she's a child, you do realize that, right? She probably won't follow those rules. Just let her have some fun. But Mila, if you do visit them without us please be careful."

Domino notices the Woods kids and points at them.

"Hey, Mila's back! She's with two other kids too, one male one female. Both look older than her."

Lucinda snaps her fingers. "Didn't she have an older sister and brother? That could be them, or it could be some of the other spirits too. Hey, bring out the spirit box again and ask them if they're siblings."

Noe nods and pulls out the box Mila saw early and asks them if they're siblings. She then pushes Jeremy towards Noe and points at the box.

"Say yes! They need to hear your voice too!"

Jeremy sighs.

"Fine, but only this once, then we're going back to the stage. Yes, we are siblings, all three of us."

Domino starts freaking out.

"Did you hear that? They're siblings! The Woods kids are here!"

Mila smiles and suddenly gets an idea.

"Hey Jeremy, can you wait here with Jane? I wanna do something and I need my suit to do it, I'll be right back!"

Jane intervenes. "What are you planning on doing? You're not going to show them about us being able to control and possess the suits, are you? That's a dangerous idea!"

Mila shrugs her off and starts running off. "It'll be fine, don't worry! I'll be back soon, promise!"

She rushes off, going a different way than she plans to at first to make sure her siblings aren't following her before heading to the stage area. She skips the whole way there before realizing something is off. The Pandy suit is gone.

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