•𝓢𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼•

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Heyyy....so like again no upload but I'm determined to get this finished for before school starts because it starts...next week 😅. If you've noticed, some the sentences in this are a little weird, but that's because I've tried to make the American POVs sound...American...but I'm English sooooo if I accidentally say sofa or lift instead of couch or elevator please forgive me. I've decided that dreams chapter sort of summed up how he was feeling already, so it'll switch back to Karls and George's POV. 

Sad and Spicy chapter, but not really 💀 just read the title and prepare yourself...Enjoy!

Karl woke up in the morning feeling Awful. He felt so guilty and barley had gotten any sleep, partly from his 3 drunk roommates pestering him all night, and Dream hanging up on him. He had no idea if dream was angry, or sad or confused or if he even liked George? But Karl Sat with his knees to his chest sniffling into his sweater. After a while of moping, he finally got out of bed and went to shower, passing his 3 passed out friends who lay next to empty cigarette packets and bottles. Karl did feel a little ashamed of them that they smoked, but if was their decision, so who was he to judge. Karl stepped into the shower, Cold water trickling down his back, taking forever to warm up. Ugh he was out of shampoo...he thought, regretting not bringing a new bottle. Karl tied his towl round his waist and walked back into the room. He put on a sweater and shorts then crept past the others with George's keys in his hands. Karl didn't know where the nearest shop was, but he couldn't care, he just wanted to have clean hair. 

As he walked down the street he felt eyes staring at him, and whispers...mumbling his name. Was he Schizophrenic? Was he going insane?  ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ʸᵒᵘ...ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ʸᵒᵘ...ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ʸᵒᵘ he heard, being repeated in dreams voice, as he walked along the Sidewalk not knowing where he was going. "Are you ok?" He heard a voice say. He stopped and looked up from the ground. "Uh yeah I'm fine...d-do you know where the nearest shop is?" Karl said, eyes flickering, trying not to look at them. "Yeah just down the street to the right...are you sure you're fine?" They asked, looking a little worried for Karl. "I SAID I WAS FUCKING FINE!" Karl shouted at them, running down the street and arriving at the shop. He Grabbed the nearest head and shoulders, some water, and went to the till to pay. Karl then realised he had forgotten his wallet. He put his head in his hands and dug around in his pockets, only finding dollars, not pounds. 

"That'll be 5 Quid mate." Said the shop owner as Karl gave him a sad look. "Forgot your Wallet?...wait are you Karl Jacobs? You look a little sad are you ok?" "No not really...I don't have any Pounds on me, only dollars sadly." Karl said, hoping that because the man was a fan, He might be able to get away with not paying. "Alright mate this is a one time thing..if I can get a photo?" Said the man pulling out his phone. "Oh yeah sure man, so I can have this stuff for free?" Karl said, putting his hand up in a peace sign next to his face. "Sure mate, but don't tell anyone about this, or I'll get lots of people in here asking for free stuff styll." The man waved goodbye to the confused Karl, wondering what Styll meant. 

As Karl walked back to George's house, he found himself quite lost. He tried to text George, but the messages weren't being delivered, so he tried it navigate himself back, but he ended up getting further and Further away. About 10 minutes went buy and as he turned a corner, he bumped into 2 teenage boys, dressed in all black and each wearing a bumbag round their shoulder. "Oi are you tryna vex me bruv, I mean look at you fam." The boy on the right said, making Karl utterly confused. He tried to walk past them but they didn't let him through and Karl looked up at their intimating masked faces in fear. "Nah nah nah this guy is part of the Mandem, it's Karl Jacobs from Mr beast." The other boy said, getting closer to Karl, making him a little bit uncomfortable. "Do you guys like want a picture or can I go?" Asked Karl, looking down at the sidewalk again. "Why you at these ends Fam, these are MY ends fam, I'll allow it I'll allow it. But for only this time fam. Or we'll chef you up next time styll." One of them said, getting closer and closer. Karl was very uncomfortable and was about to cry, he didn't know what these words meant, and he didn't want to get hurt by anyone. "Nah safe bruv safe bruv no need to cry, it's only jokes tho, you can't be cryin.." Karl looked up at them with blotchy cheeks and watery eyes; "Uh t-tha-." Karl got cut off;  "I was going to say run the hoodie but it's kinda clapped and you look like a F4g innit so we'll just aks you to get Mr beast to give us like a million quid. Now piss off PUSSYO FAM." they both shouted at the same time, making Karl slip past both of them and run down the street crying. 

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