•𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓷•

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The car was silent after we left the gas station. Sapnap was pissed off at George and we hadn't even got to the house yet. George tried to say sorry to him but Sapnap just responded "I can't hear you," I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. Blood dripped onto the leather car seat and George raised his voice to get Sapnap to clean it, but Sapnap just breathed out heavily and massaged his temples. I could tell he had a headache.

Once we got the the house, George parked and unlocked the door to reveal some stairs that lead up to the main room. I had seen his house before, but my god it was small. You'd think for practically a millionaire he would have more space, without leaky ceilings and mice. Sapnap unzipped his suitcase and dug around his clothes to reveal the only pair of atually warm clothes: Some grey sweatpants. "Omg sapnap of course you have Grey Sweatpants" Scoffed George as he went into the kitchen to get him a clean tissue.

"Can I just change into these and go for a nap, I've got a serious headache," Sap said as he closed his suitcase and wheeled it into the corner of the room. "You are not sleeping in my bed, you'll get blood on the pillows" said George as Sapnap began to grow pale in the face, and weak in the legs. "You ok Sap?" Asked Karl concerned as Sapnap held his head, humming and swaying back and forth slightly. He slowly sat down on the Couch and closed his eyes. "Guys I d-don't think it's the loud music that made my ears bleed, I think it was when the plane landed...I have really sensitive ears and whenever I'm on a plane and we come down for landing they start to really hurt and build up a lot of pressure", he said, eyes still shut.

"Sap should I take you A&E?" Asked George, concerned. "What's that?" Said Sapnap, slowly raising his voice, as if his hearing was weakening. "ITS LIKE THE HOSPITAL, IT STANDS FOR ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY," George shouted, making it so Sapnap could hear him. "MY EARS ARE RINGING," Sapnap screamed, starting to grunt and rock back and forth. "Right me and Sapnap will go, you and Tina stay here and unpack, I'll text you if anything bad happens...just get an Uber if something does," George said, reassuring Tina who looked worried.

Karl put his arm around her as they left and said it was going to be ok. "It's not even been 2 hours and Sapnaps already gone to the hospital," Said Tina, Karl laughed as he picked up his phone to call dream, and tell him about Sapnap.


Dream: "Hi Karl have you landed yet?"

Karl: "Yeah but it's just me and Tina at George's house right now."

Dream: "Oh why, where George?....and Sapnap?"

Karl: "They're driving to the Hospital, I don't even know what happened,"

Dream: "Fuck omg is George ok?"

Karl: "Its not George you should be worrying about, it's Sapnap, his ear was bleeding and he looked like he was going to faint."

Dream: "What dumb shit has he done now?"

Karl: "He said it was the plane pressure or something, i hope he didn't faint in the car, I don't think George would be able to carry Sapnap."

Dream: "Well I hope George and Sapnap are both ok..."

Karl: "Yeah...I wish you could be here..!"

Dream: "Yeah I would love to meet you guys..but George still hasn't got his stupid Visa haha."

Karl: "yep George...anyways we better get unpacking haha..."

Dream: "Ok then! Make sure you text me if anything bad happens!"

Karl: "Yeah..bye."

Dream: "Bye!"

Tina: "Bye dream!"

Karl looked like he was on the verge of tears, Tina turned around and saw his eyes getting watery. "Hey hey, what's wrong? Was it something he said? Is it about Sapnap?" Tina said, giving Him a hug. "No Tina it's not- It's not Sapnap...It's..." "Karl you can tell me anything, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me too.." Comforted Tina, Sitting them both down on the floor. Tina reached her hands out and held Karls, "You can tell me anything." Karl sighed and started crying: "It's Dream ok it's dream...it's George too. ALL DREAM CARES ABOUT IS GEORGE, I CARE ABOUT GEORGE TOO! But it's always Dream and George, Dnf, dreamnotfound..." Said Karl trailing off. "What do you mean...?" Asked Tina.

"I LIKE GEORGE, I LIKE GEORGE. There I said It..Everyone always Says..oh George with dream...Dnf. Dnf, it's never me and George...it's always Karl with..Sapnap. Sapnaps Great but I have a Crush on George...and I don't think he even likes either of us.. he's straight and I can't change that." Tina looked shocked and exited at the same time, "Karl..I don't know what to say..I just think let it happen.. George will pick if he wants one of you or neither of you. And hey I have an idea...what's If when they get back I'll be asleep on the pullout couch and we'll set up a mattress for Sapnap. He'll want to take a nap..so that way you and George could sleep together! I mean um- not uhh sleep together.." Tina Blushed and so did Karl, his cheeks went a deep red colour and Tina laughed.

After the two unpacked Karl got a text from George:


George: We might be here for a while so help yourself to some ramen, just do whatever it says on the back I guess.

Karl: Wow thanks I thought you'd have some steak ready for us 🙄

George: Well I might of cooked for you if Sapnaps ear didn't get infected!

Karl: I'll have something cooking in the kitchen for you when you get back 😏

George: Omg shut up you're such an idiot 😒

Karl loved flirting with George, he loved to tease him. But Dream did it better, Dream always made him more flustered and had the best lines. Karl didn't hate dream, he was just mildly annoyed by him. After the Ramen Tina got ready for bed and went to sleep, leaving Karl anxiously sitting up in bed waiting for them to get back. About 20 minutes later He heard a Key in the door and Lay down, pretending to sleep, since it was already late.

"It's quiet..." said George peaking his head into his bedroom, spotting an 'asleep' Karl on his bed. "I am not sleeping with someone next to me tonight, you sleep next to Karl I'm going to bed." Sapnap Said, grabbing a T-shirt and shorts to change into and then going into the bathroom to change. George was left alone with his thoughts..Sleeping in the same bed as Karl? That would be interesting. George entered his bedroom and closed the door, he took off his hoodie to reveal his T-shirt and then took off his T-shirt to reveal his body. Karl wasn't asleep, so took a peek and immediately butterfly's took over his stomach. George, getting changed in from of him? Could this get any better? Yes it could, because after that George took off his sweatpants to reveal his boxers.

Karl couldn't breath, he was trying so hard not to blush, but failed as a smile crept over his lips. George glanced back at Karl, smiling slightly. "KAAARL," he screamed as he quickly put his pyjamas on and blushed. "Damn George I didn't realise you had that dump truck.." Karl smirked as he made George blush. "Omg I thought you were asleep you weirdo," he moaned as Karl turned over and beckoned George into bed, George rolled his eyes "Ugh."

George got into bed, a distance away from Karl, until Karl grabbed George's waist and pulled him in for a hug. George looked uncomfortable, he'd never experienced Karls love language before, but strangely after a few minutes, he warmed up to it. Karl let go of George to give him some space, then rested his head on George's shoulder. George was blushing through all of this, he had never had someone in his bed before, except his sister when he was a kid, but this was different. This was nice...

Then in the middle of the night...Sapnap started snoring. A lot.

Idk if all my chapters are going to end with Sapnap but it's become a meme now so it must continue (: The next Chapter will focus more on George's POV and how he feels towards Karl, so stick around because I will write and post the next chapter tomorrow!

These chapters are a bit short, but there will be a lot of them because I will be writing them until I go back or school because I don't want to be up at 2am on a...School night 😰

Make sure to leave a comment if I've made a spelling mistake or if I've got something wrong Or I've written something that offends you ):

Bye guys!

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