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Omg guys I am so sorry for not posting yesterday, I was really tired and fell asleep before I could write the next part ): 

This chapter will be extra long to make up for it, and I am writing it earlier so I don't get as tired and have more motivation. 😅

If some parts of this aren't correct from the actual stream, please let me know if I've got something wrong. Also someone asked me if I ship the real people, no not really because Karl and George have made it clear that they are straight. However they are comfortable with people writing this sort of thing, But if they weren't then I wouldn't. 

Anyways, comment share, and Star this fanfic! And if you Can focus on 2 things at once, I recommend listen to music whilst reading (:


Karl and George looked at each other in shock as Sapnap stumbled back before throwing up again in the sink. "Sap are you ok?!" Asked George, concerned for Sapnap who looked pale and weak. "Yeah yeah man I'm fine, I just do that some times sorry." coughed Sapnap, grabbing a tissue and washing his mouth out. "Do you need anything? Are you fine? Do you feel like you're going to throw up again?" Asked George, slowly approaching Sapnap. "Nah man I'm fine, I just need sleep. Maybe that will help haha." Sapnap Laughed scratching the back of his neck as he collapsed onto his 'bed' (which was just blankets and pillows),on the floor. 

"He's done that at my house before, he'll be fine." Said Karl walking into George's room and getting dressed for bed. George walked in at the Same time as him and saw Karl take off his hoodie to reveal his bare chest. "Oops I'm sorry Karl!" Said George covering his eyes as Karl blushed and said; "No it's fine you can come in I'll be quick." George entered his room and jumped to his side of the bed, then scrolled on TikTok. Karl was flustered, George looked up and sighed.

 "Karl...is there something going on?" Asked George, "What do you mean?" Said Karl, quickly putting on his shorts for bed and sitting down next to George, with his legs crossed. "I don't know Karl..you've just been acting really weird since you came over, and it's really only been one day but..is there something up? You seemed weird even at the airport?" Said George. Karl bit his lip, "Uh no I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" George sighed "Karl you sorta like ran out of the room yesterday and I was worried about you.." Said George noticing Karls leg start to lightly tap on the floor, signalling he was getting anxious "Please Karl you can tell me anything, I won't judge you.." Karl took a deep breath in and closed his eyes.

"It's...I just.. I like someone..ok and it's been going through my mind a lot." Said Karl slappinh his head. "Can I know who this person is?.." asked George smiling, as he turned his head to look at Karl. "It's complicated, George. I- I can't... I can't really tell you... I sort of already confessed to this person, but like in a weird way and I don't know if this person likes someone else...or that someone else likes that person...or if it's a joke...or if I don't really like that person...or if I'm just going insane and I'll just ruin the friendship if I tell them..." Said Karl, holding back tears. 

"Hey it's ok Karl, I'm not good at expressing emotion myself but it seems like you really like this person...and you never know maybe they'll like you back.." George took a long pause. "Can I maybe know the gender of this person..could I guess who they are....is it Tina?" Said George, desperately trying to get an answer out of Karl. "No it's not Tina, George...it's...it's not...." Tears streamed down his face and George gave him a firm hug. "ITS NOT A GIRL OK!" Shouted Karl in floods of tears, making George jump a little. George looked him dead in the eyes smiling and  started to cry because Karl was crying too, then dived towards Karl, hugging him whilst lying down. They both cried into each others shoulders and Karl started to Sadly laugh. 

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