Part:4 chapter:12

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Mal's POV
"Is she okay?!" Carlos asks FG, pacing back and forth across the room

"She is okay" We all sigh with relief "But..."

"But what?" Jay jumps in

"She's in some sort of trance"

"A trance? I don't understand" I frown "This didn't happen before"

"It's almost as if... he's in her head" She says, uncertain about the topic

"Can I speak to her?" Carlos asks. FG nods and leads him into the room

"Y/N?" I turn my head and see Carlos walk through the door

"Hello, Carlos" I state, turning away from him and staring out the window

"What's that on her wrist?" He whispers

"It stops her from using her powers by absorbing it into the machine. Once we are certain she's safe, the absorber will be taken off" FG explains

"Does it hurt her?"

"No-" FG starts

"Yes" I nod "Take it off me" I beg. FG shakes her head so I narrow my eyes at her "Take it off" She just stares at me "Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" I scream, repeating it over and over.

FG grabs Carlos by his arm and runs out of the room. I look in a mirror that stood against a wall, tears were forming in my eyes

"You're a perfect puppet, my sweet Y/N" A voice in my head whispers

"Please... leave me alone" I cry

"We both know that's not going to happen" I look down and sink to the floor "Now listen closely..." I look up into the mirror and stare straight into my own eyes

"... You're going to pretend that you're okay" He tells me "And when this power absorber gets taken off your wrist... you and I shall rule the world"

"No" I mutter. My eyes glow red as i try to get him out my head. However, the power was taken away from me

"Looks like you're not so strong now" The voice laughs and then disappears

"Carlos!" I call "Carlos!" After a few seconds, Carlos sprints through the door with a worried look on his face

"Y/N... is everything okay?" He asks

"I need to talk to you" I whisper to him. He nods and hesitantly shuts the door. He goes to walk closer to me but I stop him

"You sit over there. I'll sit over here" I tell him. He nods and takes a seat where I pointed to

"What's up, princess?" He asks sympathetically

"He's in my head" I whisper, tears forming in my eyes

"What?" He asks, looking at me like I was a complete psychopath

"He's trying to use me... he's in my head" I tell him, talking a bit louder than before

"I don't understand. Is he controlling you, Y/N?" He asks

"Yes" I nod "He wants to use my powers to take over Auradon. I don't know what to do, Carlos. Please... help me" I whispers

He looks at me with the saddest expression I've ever seen. I can tell he feels sorry for me. I know there's nothing he can do. It's not a crime to hold hope

"I don't know what to do, Y/N" He sighs, putting his head in his hands

"I think I have an idea..." I whisper. I catch his attention and he looks up into my eyes

"What's your idea?" He asks

"I'll ask fairy Godmother to take my powers away... for good..."

"What?" His tone has raised. It was obvious that what I said had shocked him

"If I don't have my powers then I'm useless to him" I explain "I can't cause any damage. I can't cause harm to Auradon. I can't cause harm... to you"

"Are you sure this is the only way? We can think of something else. You've had your powers your whole life, you don't have to give them up"

"It's the only solution, Carlos. I know I'll be nothing without them. I'll just be like everyone else... but if ordinary means that Auradon stays safe then I'll do whatever it takes" I sigh "Even if it means giving up my powers"

"I think you should take some time to think about this more, Y/N... It's a really big decision to make"

"We don't have time, Carlos! If I don't do this now, he'll find a way to get my powers and use them on everyone I love!" I say, tears brimming my eyes

"If you're sure this is what you want... I can go and get Fairy Godmother now and... this can end right here" He nods

I nod in return and avert my gaze out the window. I hear him stand and exit, shutting the door behind him. I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them, resting my chin on top

I contemplate to myself for a while before finally taking a deep breath and making my way to the door. I pause when I hear voices on the other side

"We can't let her do that..." Evie whispers "She loves her powers. She's been learning new things and trying to help Auradon"

"She's going to have nothing to do when they're gone" Mal sighs

"The last couple of years she's spent living at Auradon, she's been doing nothing but practicing and advancing her powers" Doug adds

"Dougs right" Evie sighs "I haven't see her do anything other than that. Well, except hang out with us"

"She can find something else to do. She has us... we can help her" Jay replies.

I grab the handle and twist it, pulling the door open

"Y/N..." Evie says, barely above a whisper

"I'm ready" I nod

Carlos gives me a knowing look and nods back, taking my hand and kissing the top of my head. He lowers his mouth to my ear to whisper in it

"You are so strong" He smiles "With and without your powers"

De Vil and Heart (Carlos De Vil x Y/N Heart)Where stories live. Discover now