Part:2 chapter:5

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Carlos's POV
"Boys..." Evie says, walking in with Ben. She sees me and her eyes prick with tears

"What's wrong?" I ask. I look behind her and don't see Y/N or Mal "Where are the girls?"

"They've gone back to the Isle.." She whispers as tears slip from her eyes

"W-What?" I feel my eyes burning as tears threaten to show themselves. She passes me a note and I read it

Dear Carlos,
I'm so so sorry that you have to read this.
When we first came to Auradon, I could tell how happy you were to finally be able to start a new and happy life. A life of freedom. And I was happy that you was happy! I had always had feelings for you, Carlos and those feelings haunted me until that day on the tourney field.

Tears make their appearance in my eyes and I try to sniffle them back a little

That was the first time I ever listened to my heart, the first time I felt love, the first time I experienced true happiness, that was the first time I found out for good that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.

Now the tears started falling... and I couldn't stop them....

I made a promise to you that I would never leave your side... I also told you that you can't trust a villain... and I am deeply sorry. I know you may never forgive me.... I really hope you do but I understand if you don't. I'm sorry I have left you this way. You left a paw print on my heart 🤍 (Do you get it :)?)

I laugh a little through the tears and shake my head. I sniffle and try to wipe the tears away

That paw print will never go away. But I can't do this to you... You was made for Auradon, Carlos. You are such a good boy! You love playing tourney with the boys, You love hanging out with the king, You love pranking people with Jay and watching their faces when it hits them. You was MADE for Auradon. I wasn't... I'm just the girl on the Isle...

I'm sorry I left you, I'm sorry I broke my promise, I'm sorry I let you down and I'm sorry that I listened to my head instead of my heart....

Goodbye, Mr De Vil xx

I fold the paper back up and shove it in my pocket. I wipe my face of any tears and turn to look at the others

"This is my fault... I snapped at her...." I sigh

"Carlos..." Evie whispers. I look up at her and she hands me a necklace

 I look up at her and she hands me a necklace

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I sigh and take it in my hand

"Where was this?" I ask

"It was attached to the note" She sighs

"She never took it off.... Why has she taken it off!" I shout

"Carlos! Carlos, it's okay!" Evie cries "Were going to find them!" I look at her and then at Ben

De Vil and Heart (Carlos De Vil x Y/N Heart)Where stories live. Discover now