Part:1 chapter:3

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"Y/N... We're here" My eyes open and I shoot up

"No! I thought I was just having a bad dream!" I cringe. I look out of the window and groan "Ewwwwwww" The others laugh.

I look over at Carlos who grabs a cloth thing. Jay grabs it too and they start fighting over it. Suddenly the door opens and Carlos falls out, pulling Jay with him.

"Ow! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?!" Carlos shouts. Evie steps out, then Mal, then me

"Cause you want it!" Jay replies


"Guys, guys, guys!" Mal whisper shouts "We have an audience..."

"Get up" I say, staring at the boys. They quickly get up and smile

"Just... cleaning up" Jay smirks "Get up" He helps Carlos up and then turns back to the front

"Leave it like you found it" The woman says in a sing song tone "And by that I mean just leave it" She said in a more serious tone. Carlos frowns and passes Jay the cloth. He throws it back into the limbo and then turns to a girl

"Hello, Foxy" He smirks as he walks up to her "The names... Jay" She laughs nervously and just stands there. I laugh quietly and shake my head

"Welcome to Auradon prep!" The woman says "I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress"

"THE Fairy Godmother?" I ask

"As in bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?" Mal asks

"Bibbidi-bobbidi you know it" FG smiles

"Yeah I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella" She smiles "When you just appeared out of nowhere! With that sparkling wand and warm smile.." She laughs

"And that sparkling wand..." I repeat with a smile on my face

"That was a long time ago! And as I always say 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future'"

"It's so good to finally meet you all, I'm Ben" Ben says as he walks forward with a girl beside him

"Prince.. Benjamin! Soon to be king!" The girl squeals

"Ugh..." I whisper to Carlos, causing him to laugh

"You had me at prince" Evie smiles "My moms a queen which... makes me a princess" She curtsies

"The evil queen has no royal status here... And neither do you" She says with the fakest smile ever

"At least her mom isn't dumb enough to prick her finger and fall into a... what was it again? deep slumber" I smirk. She frowns at me and I just laugh

"Play nice" Carlos whispers, holding my arm

"I am" I smile

"This is Audrey" Ben says

"Princess.. Audrey! His girlfriend!" She says as she grabs his hand "Right, BennyBoo?" He just chuckles nervously

"I don't think your 'BennyBoo' agrees" I say, sucking in air through my teeth. She stares at me so I stare right back at her until FG cuts in

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around" FG smiles "And I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut!" She shouts, causing me to jump back a little "But the library hours are from 8 to 11. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews..." She smiles. She eventually walks away and I look at Carlos with disgust

"I hate this school already" We both laugh and he lifts my chin "Why is everyone so cheery.."

"It's better than being stuck on that rotting isle with our parents though, right?" He smiles

"Guess you have a fair point" I shrug.

"It is so so so good to finally meet-" He starts as he walks up and gets a welcome punch in the chest from Jay "-you all"
He shakes hands with Mal and stares at her for a little before moving on "This is a momentous occasion! And one that I hope will go down in history-"
He shakes Carlos's hand "Is that chocolate?" Carlos sucks the chocolate off his thumb and I laugh.
He gets to me and shakes my hand, looking into my eyes "You have beautiful eyes..." He smiles

"I know" I say. He smiles at me and nods. He moves onto Evie so I snatch my hand back "weirdo" I whisper to Carlos about Ben

"As the day our two peoples began to heal!"

"Or the day that you show 5 peoples where the bathrooms are" Mal jokes

"A little bit over the top?" Ben asks her

"A little more than a little bit" They both laugh and I could see the anger building up in Audrey, it made me laugh

"Well, so much for my first impression" Ben says and they both laugh again. They look at each other for a little and smile

"Hey! You're Maleficents daughter, aren't you?" Audrey asks "Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kills my parents and stuff. Oh my moms Aurora... Sleeping-"

"Beauty!" Mal and I both say at the same time but I say it quieter and with more disgust
"Yeah, we've heard the name" Mal says "You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother, to their stupid christening"

"Water under the bridge" Audrey fake smiles again

"Totes!" they both laugh in the fakest way possible

"Okay! So, how about a tour?" Ben asks "Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king" He says as we start walking towards a massive statue. Ben stops and claps towards it, causing it to morph into a beast. Carlos screams and jumps into Jays arms

"Geez, Carlos... you okay?" I taunt

"Carlos, it's okay" Ben laughs "My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible"

"Does he shed much?" I ask

"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch" I stare at him with a cocked eyebrow. He laughs and we carry on going. I see Audrey stare at me a little out the corner of her eye but I just smirk. Carlos stays behind and tries clapping to change the statue again. I run back and grab his wrist

"It might not work for you" I tell him "Come on!" I pull him and we run after the others. We walk into the school and my jaw dropped. It's huge!

"So, you guys have a lot of magic here at Auradon?" Mal asks "like wands and things like that?"

"Yeah, it exists of course, but it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals" Ben explains

"Who happen to be king and queens" I joke

"That's true! Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years" Audrey answers with a smile, putting Bens arm around her

"Doug! Doug, come down" Ben says, taking his arm off of her

Ouch that one must have hurt

"This is Doug. He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms!" Ben smiles, introducing Doug "I'll see you later, okay?" He looks at me so I nod awkwardly then he looks at Mal "And if there's anything you need, feel free to-"

"Ask Doug!" Audrey cuts in. She walks away and drags Ben with her

De Vil and Heart (Carlos De Vil x Y/N Heart)Where stories live. Discover now