Part:2 chapter:4

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"Right! You're all done and ready for cotillion!" Evie squeals

"Great..." I sigh. I take the dress off and hang it up so it doesn't get damaged "Thank you" I say, hugging her. She's hugs me back and sighs

"You're always welcome, Y" She smiles.

"I- I better go find Carlos" I smile. She nods and I leave the room

Would I really go back to the Isle?
Would Carlos go with me?
Would I regret it?

I shake off the thoughts and lean against a wall. I take deep breaths and walk to Carlos's room. When I get there, he left his room and bumped into me

"Sorry! Y/N" He smiles

"Carlos" I return the smile and he leans down to kiss me. He pulls away after a little bit and takes my hands

"Happy 1 year anniversary" He laughs

"What?-" I pause

"1 year... anniversary... I mean it's okay if you forgot..."

"What! No! I've got something planned! Let me just go and.... finish it up!" He nods so I go to run off but he grabs my wrist

"I got you this since I couldn't give you it this morning... I thought I'd give it you now" He smiles. He gives me a present so I unwrap it and see a picture of us. I smile and hug him

"Thank you!" He hugs me back and returns the smile "Right! Surprise! I need to finish it! I'll be back!" I kiss him and then run off

What am I going to do?!

I run to a nice outdoor section and set some stuff up. My eyes turn red and I try to picture something. Eventually, it appears and I let out a sigh

This isn't believable... it's pathetic! How could I forget my own anniversary! With the boy I.... lo-

"Y/N!" I turn around and see Doug "Have you seen Evie?" He asks

"Yeah! She's in her dorm, doing all the dresses and stuff!"

"Oh, great! Thanks!" I smile at him and let out a sigh

Now, go and get ready then get Carlos

I run to my dorm and put this on

(The black boots are what you wear

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(The black boots are what you wear. Not the bunny socks. Unless you want that)

I go and meet Carlos and then bring him to the picnic

"Close your eyes..." I whisper. He does as he's told and I lead him down the steps onto the grass field "Ready?" I ask. He nods and opens his eyes

"It's beautiful " He smiles and kisses me. I pull away and smile

"Okay! Now let's eat!" I smile. We sit down and he picks up some food to eat

What if it all disappears....
What if he finds out it's fake...

My eyes start flickering red and Carlos looks at me

"You okay?" He asks, putting his hand on mine

"Yeah! I'm just stressing" I sigh

"Don't be! This is one of the best things ever!"

"So you like it?" I smile

"I more than like it..." He says eating something "I double, double, double like it" He smiles and I laugh "This really is amazing"

"Did I surprise you?"

Oh, yeah, you surprised me" He says, picking up more food "You've got my favourite foods and everything! How long did this take?!"

"I don't even... know" I laugh nervously

"It means a lot to me. That you remembered and took time to do this. Especially with the craziness of the planning committee" He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back and sigh. He looks at something and then looks at me "What's that?" He asks

"What's what?" He points at once of the foods that was disappearing "That's..."

I messed up..... I was thinking about it too much.....

"This is fake isn't it..." He whispers


"Tell the truth...."

"I'm sorry, okay! I was just so busy with the planning and everything! It slipped my mind!" I sigh

"Wow, okay! And I was thanking you for all the hard work and effort you put into this!"

"Carlos... I-" My eyes glow red and I look into his eyes. His eyes follow and turn red too "Forget this moment...-" He shakes his head and his eyes go back to normal

"Are you trying to mess with my feelings, right now?!" He stands up so I do too

"Carlos, I'm sorry! It has been so hard for me!-"

"Yeah! Things get hard! Do you think trying to fit in with the boys is easy for me?!"

"No! Of course not!"

"I thought we were in this together..."

"Carlos, we are doing this together!"

"But we aren't, Y/N. We aren't!" He shouts "You need to stop lying to me! I thought we stopped that when we started dating! We aren't on the isle anymore... Y/N" He sighs

"Yeah, believe me, I know that!"

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Because.... I'm not one of those pretty pink.. princesses, Carlos! I'm not one of those good girls! That's not me, okay? I'm fake... This-" I say, pointing to the food "-is fake!... This is fake!" I say picking up my brown hair. I sigh and look at the food. My eyes glow red and it starts to slowly disappear. In the end, the only thing left is chocolate covered strawberries. "This is who I really am..." I sigh. My eyes tear up and I walk past him

"Y/N..." he says, trying to stop me

"No, no.." I sigh

"You know chocolate strawberries are my favourite!" He shouts to me. A tear slips from my eyes but I quickly wipe it

Come on, Y/N. You never cry

I run back inside and into Mal's dorm. She was wearing her Isle outfit

"Mal..." I whisper. She looks at me with tears eyes and she sees mine too

"Y/N..." We walk up to each other and engulf each other into a hug. We don't let go for a while but we do eventually.

"You're going back... aren't you?" I sigh. She shakes her head as a tear falls from her eye. I wipe it and smile with a nod. I knew what she was thinking. Mal stabs a box with a pen and sighs

"I don't belong here" She cries. I pull her into another hug and cry with her.

First time for everything....

She puts her mom into the box and I look at her

"Let's blow this popsicle stand" She smiles to her mom "Yeah?" She cries and puts the lid on. I take her hand and shake my head, wiping away any tears that dared to slip from my eyes.

De Vil and Heart (Carlos De Vil x Y/N Heart)Where stories live. Discover now