"Ifechi?"  She called.

Quickly, I heard the thumping footsteps of the main cook for this settlement rush towards us.

She was a woman on a very large side. I'd never seen her stand from her cooking spot. She'd sit there and order the kitchen maids around. It was rumored that she had some form of relationship with Mama.

         "You'll be in charge of her," Mama instructed. "I want her fed, cleaned, and rested. Tomorrow we'll ship her out to General."

I caught a stifled groan from the big woman. She scooped me up as though I was an eight-month-old baby. We were in her hut in minutes, and before I could take in my surroundings, she'd already tossed me on a twin bed.

         "There's a bucket of water and soap outside for your bath." I was waiting for her to give further instructions, but she left me there looking like a fool.

Slowly, I dragged my bruised body onto the open backyard, and truly a bucket of water stood on the pavement in a shaded area I assumed was a makeshift bathroom.

Once my bath was over, a plate of hot rice and beans was streaming on the tiny table fit for just two people. I ate quickly before they changed their minds.

I'd tossed myself on the twin bed that Ifechi assigned to me when I saw her rise in my face. I was startled out of bed, not knowing what to do.

She heaved her body on the other queen-sized bed and removed her boots. From under her bed, she handed me a boot that was about my size, a piece of white loose pants, and a black plain shirt.

        "This, you will wear tomorrow. You must be nice to the General. You won't be alive if you refuse to follow these instructions."

Slowly she made herself comfortable on the bed and minutes later, she was snoring loudly.

I placed the almost worn-out shoes under my bed and the clothes under the pillow.
In my flowing nightwear which was very much not my size, I took solace that I could catch a bit of rest tonight, but tomorrow, I handed over to God.

Minutes later, I was in my dream world watching my mother cry herself to a stupor.
My sisters have gone everywhere looking for me and even reported my disappearance to the authorities, yet nothing has changed. It was as though they knew where I was but had refused to help.

I woke to pain in my cheeks. Ifechi was standing above me and saying something in anger. I rubbed my eyes and cheek and then stared back at her.

          "My friend, go get ready now now!" Quickly, I shoveled myself to the edge of the bed, on high alert.  "When next I come in here, you better be ready. And that your hair, use the bands and pack them neatly."

Her forceful words lingered with me while her body left out of the door, not waiting for my morning greetings.

Minutes later,  I was on my way to nowhere to meet some General. Blindfolded and left on the floor of the SUV, I couldn't see anything but could hear noises from cars and humans.

I tried to listen for clues but the guys were chatting loudly, confusing my senses.
Finally, the car came to a halt. The men at the back with me left the car and I was only left with only one human presence. If my hands were not tied behind my back, I would have gotten the cloth off my eyes.

They pulled me off the floor and led me through some door. Everything was hush, hush as though they were sneaking me through a back door. We would walk, wait, hide, and wait for a signal from whoever made only sounds and no words.

Finally, We stopped in front of a door, the blindfold came off forcefully with a warning not to act crazy. I looked around to see we were in one of those high-end hotels. I knew this because Mother at times transacted her fufu business with some hotels and restaurants.

The gig only came once in a while and me being the delivery girl, I knew what hotels looked like. With Owerri being a city of hotels, clubs, and nightlife, I didn't know which one we were at.

         The door opened to unveil a white man, pot-bellied and stuartly built. He couldn't be more than 5'1. In his late sixties or even seventies maybe. His brown teeth flashed at me, filling my heart with dread. His breath changed my world from gray to dark. It reminded me of 'The Purge'. Those souls would grin before they'd cut you out of humanity.

          "Good morning." I bowed as Ifechi taught me, almost kissing the floor with my knees.

          "General loves to be worshipped. You must kneel for everything and anything."

          "Will I ever stand up?" I asked. She first chuckled, then switched into a killer frown. "Fail and be dead."

Her words etched in my heart, reminding me of all the cons of this mission or whatever it was. As soon as a brown envelope entered Dozie's hands, he left me there with the stranger.

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