Rude Awakening

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Readers, my greetings. For some inexplicable and vexing reason part of this chapter has been put into bold and won't change back. Not really important but just so you know, the characters are not angry during this scene and nor was I whilst writing it. 

Groaning in sleepy satisfaction, Georgie turned over onto her back, yawning hugely. Planting her hands by her ears she lifted herself up into a full bridge, pushing her ribs up to the sky until she heard a click. "Ah". Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Georgie opened them, blinking in puzzlement.

Sitting up, she looked around her with an incredulous shake of the head. "Soft, repentant, bastard", she said with a chuckle.

The few months since the student's arrival at Persephone's Grove had seen many transformations amongst the inhabitants. One thing which had not occurred was the development of Georgie's cleaning abilities. True, nothing smelt, there was no festering pile of socks and takeaway packages hidden under the bed, but the room could not be called neat. Organised mess would be more appropriate.

That was until that morning. The floor was clear, the unnecessarily large collection of books was in alphabetical order, as were the vinyl. Georgie's schoolwork was piled neatly on her desk in due date order and her folders were fanned out in rainbow order. Not only that, but her laundry was no where to be seen, having been put away in draws and wardrobes, smelling of lemon grass and sea salt. To top it off, hearty breakfast of a mushroom and spinach omelette with a side cup of creamy hot chocolate was on her bedside, still piping hot.

Pulling her duvet over her bent knees, Georgie picked up her drink and sighed, contented. Of course, she now had no idea where any of her things were but it was the thought that counted. She supposed she would have to forgive Hades for sending her to sleep. It was probably for the best even if the method had been a little unorthodox.

Suddenly sitting up straight, splashing hot chocolate on her top Georgie remembered the rest of the evening. Seb had almost opened up to her. It had been so close, then that idiot of a devil had blundered in, ruining everything. "Blast", Georgie muttered, downing the rest of her drink, near scorching her tongue in the process.

Struggling out of bed, Georgie got her legs tangled in the now eiderdown duvet, falling to the floor with a thump. "Ow", she said, detangling herself with all the grace of a worm who had forgotten how to wriggle. Managing eventually to free herself, Georgie rocked to her feet and began searching her room for something to wear. It would have been so much easier if everything was in its proper place. As it was, it took her all of ten minutes to locate her favourite cropped sweater vest, hanging up in the wardrobe. Less time might have been necessary had Georgie not kept going back to her omelette. Her mind told her there were more important things then food but her body did not agree. Besides, Spike could cook.

Fully clothed, minus socks which she could not find for the life of her, Georgie stood in front of her mirror wondering if she could be bothered to do anything with her hair. Umming and aahring for a full three seconds, she turned from the mirror with a devil-may-care wave. Exiting her room, she looked at though she was trying to bring poodle-rock back and succeeding.

She did not know what should be done, Georgie considered, but her being craved action. Finding no response to her knock at Hades' office she let herself in but it was unoccupied. Not even a cooling pot of tea or half-finished biscuit in site. Damn, she'd needed to shout at someone. No matter, perhaps he was downstairs.

It all seemed very quiet, Georgie thought as she made her way downstairs. Sort of weird, as if the house was on the brink of something.... "Maybe they've all been eaten." Georgie then wondered if a full night's sleep was not good for her.

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