Protein and plans

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"What are we going to do?".

A chorus of mumblings worked their way around the table in reply to Lydia's question. No one was particularly sure .... Sod that. No one had any bloody clue what to do. What was one to do in such a situation? They had signed a deal with the devil. True it was a housing contract, but it was one hundred and three pages long with an appendix and some nasty footnotes, so the point stands.

"Isn't is obvious" said Seb, head lowered over his hands. "We do as he says".

Everyone at the table looked at Seb, bewildered. Defeat was not something any of them had expected from the happy go lucky boy with the easy smile and infectious laugh. But Seb had not been himself since they had learnt the truth about their landlord, that was transparent. The information had effected the boy far more than it had his fellow sufferers and although he had awoken from his catatonic state of shock, it was as though his soul had been lost.

"Stop being such a drama queen Seb. It doesn't suit you". Georgie said this jovially, but her breeziness was only a mask to conceal her concern. She did not like what had happened to her friend, it pained her to see him this way and she only wished she knew how to bring him back.

Seb looked at her blackly, then shrugging, went back to staring at the table in front of him.

"What if we....", Mats was cut off as the waitress came over and, smiling, set their plates down on the table.

"Here you are my loves", she said, her accent thicker than pea soup. "Just give me a shout if you need anything else".

She then left them to contemplate their breakfasts and impending doom.

"You were going to say something Mats", Georgie said, placing a fork in Seb's limp hand and pushing what can only be described as a slab of chocolate cake under his nose.

"What could he possible say which could help us?", Eloise said. She looked at Mats with scorn but then her eyes travelled to a spot behind his right shoulder and her face stilled. She had seen her reflection. The others prepared to seek cover.

"It's ok Eloise", Lydia tried to sooth her. "You can barely notice it".

"Half my eyebrow is gone", Eloise whispered. Then more loudly she repeated "Half my eyebrow is gone. And none of you thought to tell me."

No one would meet her eyes, there was too much to fear in them.

"It really isn't that bad", said Lydia desperately, "and it will grow back. Besides, I think it looks rather roguish".

Eloise looked at Lydia, back at the mirror then at Lydia again. "You think".

"Oh yeah", Lydia said, giving a nod and a smile which conveyed much.

The boys, including Seb, all looked at each other, eyebrows raised. Georgie looked at them, mouthing 'What?'.

Advik rubbed her head affectionately. Georgie looked at him then down at the table, tapping her fingers. Humans are weird, she thought (Footnote 1). 

"I don't know", said Mats, bringing Lydia and Eloise back into the real world once more. That is, the horror film of a real world which they seem to have walked into."What are we going to do?"

"We are going to have to trick him", said Georgie with certainty. "Don't ask me how just yet, my brain is still working through possibilities that don't get us killed or damned for eternity. Or both", she added as an afterthought. "That would really not be ideal. Completely mess up my plans to plat the Sax in the Heavenly Choir".

Hades' HallsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang