Part 8

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I woke up stiff and cold. It's not even daylight when I open my eyes, mind filled with those yellow eyes that haunt me in the forest of my dreams. I stretched my joints and covered any signs of disturbance where I had laid. Can't take any chances of anyone knowing I had stayed there. I took a direction from the map and set on my way again.

It took me another day before I reached even close to the so-called lair. I approached cautiously as I could, disguising my presence. I hadn't seen any of the beasts which I was thankful for. By dusk I was on top of a hill glancing down at a town. Not what I was expecting to find so deep in the forest. The town was sitting on top of another hill in the distance. It wasn't much bigger than the compound I grew up in. It seemed peacefully buzzing. For a moment I thought how could this place house monsters as my father had taught me.

I snuck closer to the town and saw people patrolling around it in pairs. I hid away and masked my tracks as I got closer and closer. My father was right. These beasts had no idea I was there. Usually they would be able to smell humans miles away. I seemed to get past them unnoticed.

It was pitch black by the time I was close enough to hear the sounds of the town. I found a hiding spot along the fence and stayed there till the sounds quieted down and the lights were turned off in most of the houses. Sneaking along the wall I found a small crack big enough to fit a child or me. I pushed on the wood to make room for myself to shimmy trough. Sucking in my stomach I pulled myself through the fence. I crouched down on the other side and took in my surroundings.

I was in someone's backyard. Didn't look that different from human backyards. Set of swings, laundry line and signs of occupancy scattered around. I grabbed a scarf and a poncho from the line and put them on. Making my way further in the town I hid in the shadows, crouching in the hedge fences and bushes. In the file it said that the leader would probably be in the pack house. Right, coz werewolves lived as a pack so the pack house would be like the president's place or something. I craned my neck looking for what would look like it would house a leader. Sure thing, there was a tall building in the middle of it all. Taller than any other surrounding building.

The streets were quiet. Not even a patrol in sight. I sneaked to the side of the building and hopped the fence. I could hear water behind the building and decided to look for a way in. Sure thing there was a window open on the top floor. Damn it. Continuing along the wall I found a terrace and sliding doors. I tried them and to my surprise they slid open to a sleek kitchen.

I held my breath as I quietly sneaked in and made my way into the house. The hallways and living rooms were dark. With the little light coming through the windows I could make out the silhouettes of the furniture. The rooms were big enough to house a platoon of occupants. As I found the stairs a smell creeped in my nostrils. It was vague, like an incense. I pulled the scarf tighter around my face and continued to tiptoe further listening to the sounds of the house. I passed a room and I heard light snoring. That assured me that the residents at least liked to sleep during the night. I passed another door and heard moaning and grunting. Okay, they were definitely not sleeping in there. I chuckled in my mind and kept on going higher.

Suddenly one door creaked open down one of the hallways and I saw a small figure step out in a cute onesie. Shit. The child had their tired eyes on me. I hopped quietly closer to them, pressing a finger on my lips to shush them. The child nodded and crushed a teddy to their chest.

"Ummhh... I'm thirsty." They mumbled while still rubbing sleep from their eyes.

"Uhh.. go back to bed and I'll bring it to you soon. Okay?" I whispered and ushered them back into the room. The child nodded and went back to bed and I closed the door with a silent click. I sighed and hoped they would think this was just a dream. I wouldn't hurt a child on my mission. I'm not a monster. Wait. I'm hunting a monster. Aren't werewolves supposed to be bloodthirsty beasts or something? The child certainly didn't look like one.

I hurried up another set of stairs and found myself on the top floor. Crouching next to the wall the weird smell only intensified. I wondered if they were using some sort of toxin in the air. I listened in again. The house was quiet. I glided like a ninja my way down the hallway till I reached the end with large double doors. Yup. If I were the president I'd probably have my room right here. Besides, the smell was strongest here. I had a hunch and decided to follow through with it.

I tested the door and was happy to find it also unlocked. I slipped in the dark room and leaned against the door as the smell almost knocked me off my feet. The moon was lighting the room and I could make out the layout easily. It had some nice couches in front of a fireplace, a couple of doors at one wall that I assumed were leading to the bathroom and a wardrobe. On the other end of the room was a large bed. Fit for a king maybe. I thought and saw someone was sleeping in it. Bingo.

I held my breath as the smell was starting to cloud my mind. I had to focus. My heart was racing. I unclipped the knife and watched it shine in the moonlight. Holding a tight grip on the handle I approached the bed. I walked around quietly assessing my target. The sheet was rising with their breathing that was a quiet rumble coming from their chest. I put my knee on the bed to get a closer look to find a lethal angle to drive the knife in.

The sheet moved as the beast rolled over and what I saw took my breath away. My eyes gazed at the muscular bare torso, shoulders wide as a door frame, chest and abs to make any bodybuilder envious of their shape and size. My eyes travelled up the thick neck to the jet black hair that was messy and hung over the most handsome face I've ever seen. Thick brows framed closed eyelids. I followed the line of the nose to very kissable lips that were open slightly and down to the square jaw. This was no beast, but a man.

I don't know how long I kneeled on the bed frozen, knife raised to my side ready to strike while I held my breath watching this sleeping man blissfully unaware of the danger. My heart was ready to explode out of my chest. I took a deep breath to ease my nerves but that was a mistake. As soon as the intoxicating smell hit my lungs I felt sleepy. No. I can't sleep here. I mean I wouldn't mind sleeping with a man like him. What am I even saying? This is stupid. Focus Adele. Just finish the job. Kill him, it's easy and quick. Another breath and I felt the knife drop from my hand. I leaned down on the pillow next to me. I couldn't resist. My eyes fluttered shut as I was mere inches away from his gorgeous face and the darkness took me.

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