Before The End...

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The date is 2040 humanity was in it's peak being so advanced that you wouldn't have to worry about most of diseases and everyone was doing great as humanity realised most bad people just need help so prisons were almost non-existent as that most bad things people would do is steal things but that was solved as most security would stop them before they got away with it.

Humanity was prospering until that day came...

Y/N: *alarm buzzes* "Gosh already? well I have to get ready then.", As he walks to the shower and gets a pair of clothes to wear.

Y/N: "I wonder if their is anything interesting happening on the news." says Y/N as he grabs the TV remote and turns it on. "Huh so that's what happened after the queen died" Y/N said after he takes a sip of his water.


Y/N: *spits out water in a comical fashion* "OH SHIT TIME TO GO" screamed Y/N as he ran out his apartment to also see multiple people running and packing to leave. See Y/N is a pretty smart guy so he is a genius builder and inventor which was his job before this happened so he made a secret underground place that will keep him self safe as the tsunami hits. "Crap I didn't expect that I would have to use the cryo pod so early" Y/N said to himself see Y/N knew humanity would go extinct somehow in the future so he made a cryo pod to freeze him as he waited till it was safe to come out to the outside, and it was incredibly worse to stay all alone in his bunker till it was safe to come out as that he calculated that it would at least take around 1,200 years till it was safe to come out and that if he did stay in there for 1,200 years he would go insane plus he would be dead. So as a precaution he made the cryo pods to sleep in. " Ok let's get in, computer!" screamed Y/N "Yes?" the computer spoke "SET AWAKENING TIME FOR 1,200 YEARS AHEAD!" Y/N said while getting in the pod "Yes master." the computer spoke as Y/N closed the door and slowly started to fall asleep "Setting timer for 12,000 years ahead." said the computer Y/N could only respond with a groggy "Fuck." as he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

As Y/N fell asleep the earth was set into hard mode anyone who where in normal bunkers all drowned and passed away as the doors couldn't handle the water pressure and that most people who lived had it worse as most mammals had died of the floods and that since a NUCULAR REACTOR exploded most of the water was contaminated and all humans who had lived the first round of flooding died of dehydration later except one little cat. "Oh Judd how I love you so." a scientist said to his cat that was immortal " Look what I got you little buddy!" As the scientist shows a cryo pod to the unimpressed cat "This is where you will sleep until 1,200 years go by sadly this was the only one so you'll probably be the only cat alive at that time HAHAHA anyways I cloned you so even if you die it's fine." as the scientist shoved the cat in the cryo pod and set it to wake up in 1,200 years. "I'm so sorry Judd I'll miss you." the scientist said after picking up a gun and shooting himself not wanting to go insane and hurt his beloved cat but right before he did that he created a telephone that contains all the information of humanity so the next dominant species would not make the same mistakes as humanity. Little did he know setting/ making a self aware incredibly smart telephone and leaving it to rot for 12,000 years would make it go insane and become a problem more than a helpful source to the dominant species after humans.

As the years pass a new species comes out called the inklings and octolings obviously evolved from the normal squids and octopi from normal human times, and as they evolved to be more human like during this time Judd the scientists cat woke up after his 1,200 year sleep and was used as a referee for games inklings and octolings called turf wars because Judd had a special ability to know with amazing precision how much ink was covered and who won the turf war and who lost so inklings and octolings accepted Judd in their society with open arms. As always with smart species there is always going to be a conflict over something in this case it was land so the inklings and octoling fought in a war called the great turf war and Judd sided with the inklings to help them most of the information on this war was lost to time and all we know is that the octolings won the first war because the inklings woke up late but the inklings won overall because they had more limbs, which made octolings need to make cities underground rather on the land like the inklings. As inkling society evolved and got more advanced this was around the time Y/N woke up from his cryo pod as the inklings had discovered a bunker under their city as a crowd slowly formed to see what it was as they dug it out of the of the ground and saw what they thought as a time capsule.

Random Male Inking: "What's going on?"

Female Inkling: "Apparently some people found a time capsule containing things back to the human era and their opening it up today in public so everyone wants to see what it what it is!" she said excitedly as she looks at the bunker doors open slowly.

As the sun shined into the dusty bunker all the inklings were in astonishment as they all looked inside and saw a pod with a humanoid shape inside the pod. Two inkling officers rush to the pod to get the supposed inkling out of the pod so they opened the pod up and to their surprise it wasn't an inkling or octoling it was a human? Everyone was stunned humans had been extinct for 12,000 years! (though inklings are dumb enough to not realise that octolings are whole different species I don't think that they won't notice that they look completely different to the human considering that we have hair rather tentacles.) As Y/N woke up he was still dazed from sleeping for near around 12,000 years so all he saw was people helping him up and getting him out of his cryo pod. As even more inklings and octolings barged out of the shops to see what came out of the bunker even Off The Hook (Pearl and Marina) came out their news station to see what all the fuss was about, as the crowd stood in awe as they saw a human come out the bunker covering his sensitive eyes from the sun.

Pearl: "Yo Marina what do you think is happening?" said a confused Pearl

Marina:" I don't know Pearlie it must be important since the crowd isn't crowding against us." said Marina as she was also curious to what was happening.

Pearl: "Marina let me get on your shoulders so I can see." said Pearl as Marina lifted Her on her own shoulders. Pearl was confused to seeing what she saw she saw a normal teenager being helped by two inkling officers as he looked a bit tipsy but before Pearl could brush it off she saw his hair. "YO WHAT THE FU-" Pearl screamed making everyone turn and become quiet.

Marina: "Pearlie quiet down... wait what made you scream?" Marina said as she was confused as Pearl doesn't get frightened so easily so she was scared as well.

Pearl: "IT'S... IT'S.... IT'S A HUMAN!" Pearl said to Marina more quietly as not to frighten the crowd too much again but everyone still looked and heard her.

Y/N: Y/N while being still groggy from awaking up was confused and covering his ears because of the loud noises which forced his eyes to adjust to the sun as he saw people? with tentacle hair? "Yo what the actual fuck?" is all Y/N could say as he was taking all this information in what didn't help was all the camera flashes going out into his face as all the inklings were taking photos of the first human they have ever seen. Y/N not wanting to stay in this place stood up and walked straight into the crowd, the crowd instinctively moved away from him as he walked past them except one concerned person holding and putting down a small kid? Y/N not noticing this walked straight into her making both fall on the ground while Y/N getting knocked out because of his now fragile body and some person rubbing their head as they got up and saw Y/N Knocked out on the floor "fish sticks." (just imagine fish sticks as a word for crap or something) as she grabbed her phone and called 221 (get it because two 2 makes fish and 1 looks like an arrow ok I'm going to stop now).

Thanks for reading the first chapter lol
Artist: GomiPomi

1625 words

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