Alice: "oh... Do you both want an appointment?" She asks setting some files on her desk.

Owen: "I'm not here for an appointment, Ivelisse asked me to attend." He explains as Alice acknowledges this strange situation and motions for Ivelisse to take a seat.

Alice: "Now Ms Hernandez, is there anything in particular you wish to discuss?" She asks sitting across from Ivelisse who takes a deep breath.

Ivelisse: "Yes... You know my family immigrated from Mexico right?" Which Alice nods in response. "Well... There's a reason for that, my father for a time worked in the drug cartels being a... Hustler of sorts."

Alice is completely intrigued by this detail but Owen isn't necessarily surprised as he knew about this already.

Ivelisse: "My father moved to America after getting my mother pregnant with me, he didn't want me or his future children to grow up in the environment he grew up in so he took everything he had and moved... Some family had to stay behind." She says.

Owen looks at Ivelisse as he can tell she's holding something back.

Ivelisse: "When I turned thirteen, my father and mother decided we'd take a family trip to Mexico to be with our other family members... But the drug cartel never forgets... I was kidnapped by the drug cartel... And was held for ransom... My father paid in full but then?" She asks with tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

Owen and Alice look on in worry, especially Owen as he's never seen Ivelisse cry before.

Ivelisse: "The assholes sold me into a sex trafficking ring... I was..." She lowly wails out completely breaking down as she goes to leave but Owen pulls her into a gentle hug to her surprise.

Owen: "I'm so sorry Ivelisse." He says soothingly and gently rubbing the back of her head as Ivelisse buries her face into his shoulder letting out her emotions and trauma. He soon rests his chin at the top of her head.

A half hour passes which consisted of Ivelisse going into detail over what happened and her calming down afterwards.

Ivelisse: "That's why I lost it at Watts, he reminded me of everything I went through." She admits with a sigh.

Alice: "I can arrange for you to have time off the field if needed."

Ivelisse: "I appreciate it but that won't be necessary... I just need a few days." She says thanking Alice for hearing her out and leaves.

Owen follows her out and catches up.

Owen: "Ivelisse hold up." He says as Ivelisse stops in place. "Listen... I..."

Ivelisse: "Not what you expected?" She asks rhetorically and leans against a wall.

Owen: "That and... Fuck I can't help but feel..."

Ivelisse: "I know you feel bad Owen..." She says looking down.

Owen: "You're my friend Ivelisse, and hearing that? It makes me angry that it happened to you." As Ivelisse is silent not sure what to say to that. "what were these assholes names again?"

Ivelisse shoots her eyes at Owen's in shock hearing this question.

Ivelisse: "Owen don't... There's nothing to gain from hunting old memories." She says but Owen looks down at her.

Owen: "These assholes did unspeakable things to you, you deserve to get back at them."

Ivelisse: "Why are you even suggesting this?"

Owen: "Cause you're my friend Ivelisse! The only person I can actually call a friend." He calmly snaps back at her as she stares blankly while shaking her head.

Ivelisse: "So what? You wanna be my attack dog? Cause something bad happened to me?"

Owen; "Damn it Ivelisse I just wanna give you justice... Some... Relief or something." He says as Ivelisse sighs lightly hearing this.

Ivelisse: "just answer me this, what are you gonna do if I give you the names?"

Owen: "I'll do some digging and if I find them and they happen to be alive? I'll tell you and you can decide if you wanna go after them or not." He offers as Ivelisse chuckles quietly hearing this.

Ivelisse: "Giving a girl some options huh?"

Owen: "Of course, more choices the better... Well at least that's what my mom says." He points out as Ivelisse softly smiles at this.

Ivelisse: "Okay... You can dig but nothing else." She states.

Owen: "Yes ma'am." He replies as Ivelisse rolls her eyes.

Ivelisse: "I swear you do that just to annoy me."

Owen: "Or amuse you." He retorts as Ivelisse looks up at him contemplating that statement.

Ivelisse: "I suppose it's amusing in some way, thanks Owen." She appreciates earning a genuine smile from Owen.

Owen: "Anytime Ivelisse."


John is currently in his office reading over the report of the mission but he suddenly gets a call from Boris Rosenberg, the Israeli representative for the UN.

John: "Mr Rosenberg?" He answers curiously.

Rosenberg: "I got some good news Director, A Sayeret Matkhal team intercepted a convoy transporting White phosphorus, and we believe it was the same group responsible for the prior attacks."

John: "That is very good news, and the white phosphorus?"

Rosenberg: "Secure and being prepped to be transported, I was thinking your people would want in on this just to be safe." He replies as John is in agreement with this.

John: "We'd be happy to attend, but also... I think I'll take you up on your offer for Israeli ops in F.I.S.T." He states and he can tell this made Rosenberg happy.

Rosenberg: "Good, tell me who you want and I'll make it happen."

John: "I got some ideas." He says looking over five files right now.

F.I.S.T. Foreign Intelligence Strike Team Where stories live. Discover now