Chapter 3: A Chestnut at the Summer Sun Celebration.

Start from the beginning

You can't get a view like that at Home. Only here, In this magical world that hasn't reached the industrial revolution yet, The skies aren't filthy with smog, The air is fresh and the plants are a healthy beautiful shade of green.

I Might miss my Dad, And he might be worrying his head off, Thinking I've been kidnapped or worse.
If only I had a way to send him a letter, Telling him I'm healthy and okay.
That he shouldn't worry about me so much.
I'm sure Uncle Calvin is making sure he's healthy.
They both probably think I'm in the sky with mom now, If only they knew...

After The bird finished his little late night swimming session, We continue our walk to The Center of Ponyville, Where the ceremony will take place.

"So, Why are you following me?" I decide to ask the bird.
"What do you mean? I'm not following you, We're just going in the same direction" Uh huh, Sure, Let's say I believe what he just said.

"Okay then, What's your name? You obviously know my name, Everybody around seems to know it, But I barely know any of you." I ask the small red bird that is definitely not following me.
"My name's Red, Red the Tanager. I obviously know who you are though. Everybody in the forest knows." I'm not that well versed with birds so I;m guessing Tanager is the type of bird he is.

"You're Mr Chespin, You're the mysterious new face that showed up out of nowhere at took residence by the lake. You were the talk of the forest for a whole week when you showed up," Red is jumping up and down, before taking a quick flight in a circle and landing on a rock two meters ahead, "It's not every day that somebody new moves in to the forest, and isn't a pony hermit or something"

I guess I am a unique character here. I remember waking up in my first day here terrified of what was going on.
It took four days for me to get my feet under myself and accept that I'm stuck here for the foreseeable future.
It was thanks to the animals here That I can even eat food here.
After I dug my burrow, A Family of Opossum gave me a pot and pan, The nice Crow gave me a set of silverware.

Even Angel managed to sneak a few carrots from Fluttershy's kitchen and gift them to me.
I practically owe these animals my life here.

When I was testing out what my Pokemon body can do, Hank and Clarisse taught me to use Vine Whip like small tentacles.
When I tried Rollout, A black bear helped me learn to stop the roll.
A mole taught me to use Dig so I could make my burrow.
A Rat showed me how to open my mouth correctly as a rodent, Indirectly teaching me the move Bite.

For A Pokemon, The only move I really learned by myself are Growl and Tackle, The starting moves of my species.

Walking into Ponyville proper, I see the streets are mostly empty, Only a few critters running around, playing on the pavement.
The Lamps on the side of the road are on, And I see the light at the center building are also on.

That is where the ceremony is after all, And If the chatting we can hear all the way from the other side of the street are anything to go by, The Ceremony should be starting soon.

I say goodbye to Red as he flies off to a window on a higher floor, likely to get a good vantage spot to swoop down and take some snacks.

As I head inside the building, I stick to the wall next to the entrance, keeping away from all the ponies that might trample me accidentally.

And from here I see it. In the corner of the hall where The Apple cart was several hours ago, A series of tables full of the tastiest treats my little rodent nose can smell.

As I walk slowly, Sticking to the wall, closer to the food tables. I Hear Trumpets.

Looking over to the crowd of ponies, I notice the Birds that Fluttershy had trained for the music of the ceremony be silenced by the blaring trumpet.
Why would you even do that? Why bring Birds to sing a melody if nobody will hear it over the blaring trumpet?
They really should have picked one or the other, Not both.

A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x MLP) (Cross post from Fimfiction)Where stories live. Discover now