Chapter 8: Stressed

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Hunter's POV:

"You're not using Willow to get closer to Luz, right?" She asks.

"That's a smart idea! But no, I'm not. I promise I'm not doing any more of those tricks on people that actually want to be my friend." I assure her.

"I'm proud of you, you changed. In a good way!" I smile at her.

"You are too! But that mask has to...go!" I jump out of my seat and take her mask off over her head. I started running away as fast as I could. I didn't hear her running up behind me so I turned around for A SPLIT SECOND! I didn't see her behind me and when I turn back to where I was running.

"Hi!" She was right in front of me!


"I'll take that!" She says and takes her mask out of my hand.

"But seriously, you don't need that, Y/N. Same with the cloak." I don't think that she listened to me because she put the mask back on.

"Well, I should get going." She muttered.

"Yeah, I will text you."

"Please don't!" She laughs. I'm I really that bad of a texter!?

Y/N's POV:

I walked home and thought about what Hunter said. Willow, Hunter, or anyone who has seen me without the mask didn't run away... Hunter and I have been hanging out a lot recently! We talk about our past, maybe joining Hexside, and tons of other stuff. We were getting out more! People didn't see me as the Changer anymore, they saw me as Y/N! And they saw the Golden Guard as Hunter!

I really wanted to join Hexside, Hunter, on the other hand, was skeptical. I thought that if I joined he would join so... I walked out the door with no mask! I still had the cloak on though. I headed to Hexside. I was going to enroll! I arrived at the school and saw Willow, Gus, and a purple-haired girl sitting on a bench, right outside the school.

"Hey, Captain! Hi, Gus!" I yelled as I ran to them.

"Hey!" They both yelled back. I walked to the other girl.

"I don't think I've met you... I'm, Y/N!" I reach out my hand.

"Amity!" She reaches for my hand and shakes it. I learned that 'Hand shake' thing from Luz. Speaking of Luz, I haven't seen her around much. We are friends but not good friends, so I thought I might as well get to know her a bit more.

"Do you guys know where Luz is?" I ask.

"We have been looking for her but, nothing." The gir- Amity spoke.

"Oh, well I'll let you know if I see her," I assure them.

"Same to you. Anyway, what are you doing here?" Willow asked.

"I'm going to enroll!" I exclaimed

"YAY!" Willow and Gus cheered. Even Amity looked happy.

"Well, I'm gonna go do that! See ya later guys!" I tell them as I was about to run off. "Oh and nice to meet you Amity! Bye guysss!" Luz has been telling me about manners and being a nice person. She is kinda like my social coach.

I walked into the school and down the halls. I looked at what felt like every door in the building when I found the door that said 'office'. I took a huge gulp, placed my hand on the doorknob, and slowly turned it. I slowly opened the door to be met with the principal himself.

"Hello, sir..."

"Why hello there. And who might you be? I haven't seen you around here." He noticed.

" That's the thing... I'm looking to enroll." I say, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Well, we can do that!" He says and I do a happy dance in my brain. I don't know why but I thought they might reject me from joining. "What's your name?"

"Y/N L/N," I tell him. He asks me a few more, necessary questions and then tells me I can start next week. Yay. It was Thursday so I only had to wait three more days!

I walk out of the office and the school in pure joy. I thought about what I could do now. I decided to go look for Luz. I already know that she is not at school so she must be at the Owl House. I walked to The Owl House when I saw Hunter running out of it. Weird..? I wanted to chase him but instead, I went to the already opened door. When I walked inside, everyone was crowded around the door. Including Luz. They all turned to look at me.

"What did he do now?" I ask. He was probably up to something again.

"You uh... Probably want to follow him." Luz says, scratching the back of her head.

"Ooo, you're the pretty-eyed girl that he was worried about! I'm King!" A cute little creature says.

"No time for that, King. All I know is that you should be chasing that kid right now!" A tall lady with really cool hair says. It sounds important so without another word, I jump on Savage and fly to the school. I saw him running towards there.

Hunter's POV:

I ran into the backstage room as fast as I could. It was off limits right now so no one would find me. It was dark but I didn't bother to find a light switch. I found a small corner... That was my new home for the time being. I sat down in my little corner, gripping my hair and staring at the floor. Then Flapjack found me.

"No no no!" I shew away the little bid off my shoulder. "I can't go back! He knows I was in there!" Just then I hear something. (Go hit play!) The piano? Then I noticed a large piano on the other side of the room. I could see who was playing though. And I didn't want them to see me! Just then I see Y/N sitting at the piano. She gives me a quick look, right in the eyes. She knew I was here...

I walk over to the piano, not saying anything so I don't mess up her playing. I noticed that she isn't wearing her mask or cloak. There was a bit of light shining through the curtain wall that hit her wings. I watched in silence as she ended the song. She stayed at the piano for a bit, not even looking at me. Just looking down at the keys.

"Are yo-" Was all I managed to get out before she jumped onto me for a hug, I almost fell down.

"No, are you alright?" Did she know what happened? "You can tell me, Hunter." She pulled away from the hug and looked me in the eyes. She softly tried to move a piece of my hair out if my face but, it didn't stay.

"Belos... He is e- evil." I stutter. Then it all came back to me, what Luz and I saw in his mind, my childhood, my old Palacemen, the things he made me do, how I got these scars on my ear and face. "He wants to KILL ME!" I panic and fall onto the floor.

"Hey hey, it's okay, your safe for now." She joins me on the floor.

"No, Y/N! It's not okay! I can't go back. And like you said, I'm only safe 'for now' I'm not even safe right now." I snap.

"I understand you're scared, so I'm going to let that slide. I won't let him or anyone else hurt you." She assures me. I just look at her for a second, she is one of the only people I can trust. I won't let anyone hurt her either.

"I need food and a disguise. My flyer derby uniform! He can't find me!" She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a few coins.

"I know there are a few vending machines around here. You will see me around too." She winks at me, gets up, and leaves.

That's all folks! I am having a bit of writer's block but I think I can get through it. That's for all the reads and votes! I have the next few chapters already written but I just need to edit and proofread them. Let me know when you want me to publish them! Great day or night to all of you. Love y'all!

Word Count: 1361

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