Chapter 2: The Cube

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Y/N's POV:

I clipped on my mask and I was ready to head out the door. It wasn't time for me to train the Golden Guard yet but I was planning to get there early, to train alone for a bit. I teleported to the market that I recently got into some trouble at. I saw a stand with the human that everyone was talking about standing next to it. I walked over to see what they were selling, hoping for something cool to cure my boredom.

I look around the stand when a cube with multiple colours scattered all over caught my eye. I reach over to pick it up when the human stops me.

"Oh! That's a Rubix Cube. I have tried to solve it but I couldn't do it so...I gave up." She said, picking it up before I could and twisting the colourful squares around. "You have to get all the same colour squares on one side of the cube." She said as she handed it to me.

"Oh, sounds fun. How much?" I ask the girl. She looked around and then back at me.

"I will let you have it for free. Just don't tell the girl over there." She pointed to a tall, pale girl with grey hair that was digging through a box in the corner.

"Oh really? Thank you..." I say, hesitantly.

"Of course! Anything for a new friend. Now go before she sees that you didn't pay!" She says, pushing me away from the stand. Did she just call me her 'friend.'? I started to walk away when she yelled "I'm Luz by the way." I thought it was too go to be true so I didn't say anything back.

I walked home as I stared at the cube more than what was in front of me the whole way back. I took this cube as a challenge. I couldn't lose whatever this game was called to a cube.

Small Time Skip


I tried everything but it was impossible! All the colourful squares are still in random places! I have been trying to solve this thing for hours! I didn't know it would be this hard to separate coloured squares. I threw the cube onto the floor a walked out the door of my house.

I walked to the training area with Savage in my hand. It was a long walk but I needed to waste a bit of time. I arrived where the Golden Guard and I were supposed to meet for training. I had some time to kill before he was meant to arrive. Even if he didn't show up it wouldn't be a waste of time because you had to train yourself anyway.

I worked on basic fighting skills instead of my magic. A few minutes I saw the Golden Guard flying towards me on his staff. He was a few minutes early but he did arrive.

"I didn't think you would show up," I said, walking to him.

"Well, I did. Can we start the lesson please?" He said, sounding very impatient.

"Yes yes. I am going to be teaching you the art of letting your opponent fight themselves. The same art I used on you in our last battle." I say as I create a sword and toss it to him.

The Golden Guards POV:

She tossed me the sword that she just spawned out of nowhere and says "Go on, attack me." I was hesitant but I jumped at her with the sword. She instantly moves out of the way and I fall to the ground. "Let your opponent tire themselves." She says as I swing another hit. She leans her upper body back and I miss her by an inch.

I was getting more embarrassed and angry by the second. How was she beating me? At least she was trying to teach me. But I'm the Golden Guard! I shouldn't need training from the enemy! I mean an enemy...not the enemy.

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