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This is not a chapter so if you're not interested you can skip it...butttt I would love it if you stayed to answer some questions. (Your answers will help me publish more chapters sooner!) ❕Not my art❕

Let's get to the...survey? (Only 4 Questions)

1-Is the story moving too fast? (This just means should I add more details and slow down with Y/Ns and Hunters/The Golden Guards relationship?)

2-Are you ok with Y/Ns personally/description? (Basically, should I change anything about Y/N?)

3-Longer or shorter chapters? (Is the length of the chapters normally too long or too short or even...just right?)

4-Do you have any other tips, suggestions, requests, etc?

That's all for this survey but there might be more in the future. Thank you so much if you answered any of them!

Also, I'm back from my break!!!

Word Count: 133

ll The Red Means I Love You ll Golden Guard X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now