"Go on then." Harry says.

Louis looks at him with his eyebrows weaved together in a frown.

"You can hit me if that helps but just know I won't leave until you accept my apology."

"Screw you man." Louis kicks at the dust on the ground and starts walking towards the opposite direction. School's over and there's almost no one except for some students and teachers.

Louis' still mad at Harry and if Harry tries to be any more smug than he's already being, Louis will do something he'll regret later.

*Lunch break (A few hours earlier)

Harry sits across from Zayn at lunch, opening a little packet of peanuts.

"I still don't know how you can eat that shit and not want to throw up." Zayn says.

Harry simply laughs and pops some peanuts in his mouth. He thought people would be talking about Louis and his fight that took place yesterday on the field but weirdly enough it feels as if people have forgot it even happened in the first place.

Last night to say Harry was furious at Louis would be an understatement but at the same time he also found himself not being able to stay mad at him for long even though he wanted to.

He doesn't know what came over him when they were alone in the locker room. He's also half scared worrying if someone saw them but he doesn't regret it at all. It felt foreign to him, the emotion he was feeling yesterday night when he was getting ready for bed.

His mind kept going back to the blue eyed boy, his delicately shaped features and then to his bruise which did not fit his skin, it wasn't supposed to be there.

He kept replaying Louis' reaction to him finding about the bruise in his head over and over again. Though it was quick, Harry had still caught on to the way Louis reacted and the way his face contoured into a terrified expression, like Harry wasn't supposed to see it. Well, obviously he wasn't otherwise Louis wouldn't have had such a reaction.

He kept checking Louis' profile again and again, scrolling mindlessly through his pictures and without even realising he would let his mouth relax and then feel his lips stretching upwards to form a small yet fond smile.

When he would come back to his senses, he purse his lips together as if to suppress a smile and feel guilty because he isn't supposed to feel this way about Louis. They hate each other. He's not supposed to be smiling at his pictures or even caring about him in the first place. But why is it that he always finds his mind circling back to Louis?

"Earth to Harold?" Zayn waves his hand in front of Harry's face to get his attention.

Harry is snapped back into reality. When he sees Louis looking at him weirdly, he realises he zoned out and now it probably looks like he was staring at Louis the entire time.

"Don't start another fight now." Zayn says looking back and forth between Harry and Louis.

"No why would I." Harry replies, shaking his head like he just had a thought he shouldn't have had.

He sees Louis walking towards him and feels his nerves growing with each step he takes towards their direction. He for some reason he freezes in his spot, when ironically he feels hot to the touch. He hates feeling whatever he's feeling right now. It's starting to take over his senses and he doesn't like it one bit but at the same time enjoys it.

"Look before you open your mouth to vomit something, Niall sent me here to apologise." Louis says using air quotations around the word apologise.

"Whatever. It wasn't your fault. I should've admitted my mistake." Harry says which probably surprises anyone who's listening to them including himself.

hate you, with love (L.S)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon