"What does my mother have anything to do with this?!"

"Mayumi, the Illusionist and I were researching last night about your eye. Your eye has the Ketsurygan."

"Well I knew that."

"Just, hear me out. Your mothers blood line has Ketsurygan. Somewhere down the blood line someone also had the Fujutsu." Kumiko explains I look at her all kinds of confused.

"I'm not following any of this. Please don't be telling me that is my ancestors blood in that bowl. Fujutsu is about summoning spirits right? Like ghosts?"

"No" he laughs. "No we are trying something and if it doesn't work, we're trying something else." The Illusionist replies. "Tell me, when I tried to put you in a Genjutsu, I looked into your mind-"

"You what!"

"Silence. You have blocked memories that someone has blocked. I think it could have been your mother. Have you... have you ever called upon spirits before?"

"I'm sorry I'm all for crazy, but this is too damn crazy for me." Waving my hand la backing away.

"Mayumi." He says with a stern voice.

I let out a big sigh. "Yes. Okay, is that a bad thing?! I've never told anybody about it!"

"Call upon one now." Kumiko instructs.

"I don't even know how to! It just happens!"

"Focus your chakra through your most dominant hand. Focus hard on it." Kumiko explains. I focus onto my right hand forming a small blue orb.  "If you can call upon a spirit then it's a plus side, you rely on the spirits chakra instead of your own. And.-" before she can finish they see a spirit standing before them standing in front of me.

"She needs to get to the Land of Dark soon. She needs a Malicious Spirit Contract!" Aoi states. "That thing is too powerful to be let out for such a small child."

"What the hell does this mean?" I look up at The Illusionist he looks at me shocked pointing to me. "She has the eye!" He exclaims as he looks at one blue eye and the other fully black.

Waving my hand to make the Spirit disappear. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Kumiko, I feel you know where to go?" The Illusionist asks she nods her head yes. "When you get there, you cannot go in.. only Mayumi..." he turns to face me. "I cannot help you with the next part of your training.. but here.." He says pulling out a few books. "You will never find books like these out here in The Land of Illusions. I trust you will learn them well.. and I hope to see you again..." he says as he disappears with Kei and Aoi.

I turn to Kumiko. "I am so lost..."

"Come Mayumi, we must not waste any time. I'll explain on the way, we are just a few hours away we should get there before night fall."

Kumiko explains to me on how in my bloodline had both Fujutsu and Ketsurygan and how I was born with both. Explains on how Fujutsu works with Spirits. That I has to be branded with a blood seal in order to make the spirit listen to me. Honestly sounds kind of cool.

"Well we are here at the border of The Land of Night." Kumiko states. "I cannot go any farther with you... you must go alone.. it looks like the barrier is down. You now it your chance. I will meet you back here in five days. I will also warn you... they are not the most polite or happiest people.."

I turn to look at the village. "Kumiko-" I turn back around to see I'm  standing alone. I let out a big sigh and head to the gate where there are guards standing there.

"Do not come any closer!"

"Why are you here?"

"I uhh.. I'm here to learn Fujutsu.. I just learned I can call upon spirits."

"Why should we believe you? It's dark! How do we know you're not here to attack us?!"

I hold out my hand a focus my chakra and my spirit summoning stands in front of them. They give me a cold look. "We need to get her to the Yamiji Council." One of the guards states.

They take me to the Yamiji Council and I stand in from of them. They agree to take me in for five days.


"So explain this to me again." I request as we are standing in an open field.

"Spiritual Chakra comes in six emotions. Joy, anger, grief, pleasure, love and hate. You have to separate your chakra into six different points. It's a very high skill level, but it seems like you are powerful enough to control it. So I have no doubt that you can't do this. Summoning a spirit is also good for you because where you always lose chakra, it takes little to no chakra to summon them. It takes the chakra from the spirit."

"So in order to call upon your Spirit you have to have a Heigo, a blood seal." Kayo states pulling out a brush and a bowl of warm liquid he takes my right hand making a Heigo, I wince a little from the liquid as it burns into my skin. "Now we have to make you sign a Malicious Spirit Contract. We know you have six spirits. One for the six emotions we talked about four days ago." He says pulling out a contract.

I bite my thumb and sign all six contracts. "Is that all?" I question.

"Yes, we will finish training today, and you can leave in the morning." Kayo states. "Alright, with the seal on your hand you can either summon with using blood. Summon sorrow. Go ahead."

I take my still bleeding thumb close my eyes and swipe it onto the palm of my hand. Where Sora, my sorrow spirit spirit appears.

"Good work, now let's try to summon all six of them at once."

"All six? That seems like a lot."

"I'm here to teach you your special powers. You have showed a lot of power since you have been here. You learn fast. Faster than the others here.I am only teaching you because there are not many of us around."

I give it another go and summon three out of the six Spirits.

"Again!" Kayo shouts. I try again getting five summons. "Again!" Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes I place my thumb on the seal I open my eyes and looking back at me is my six summonings.

Joy, Anger, Sorrow, Pleasure, Love and Hate.

"Perfect!" Kayo exclaims. "Now, since you have signed your contract with them. They will all listen to you from here on out. But I will warn you, Spirits can and will try to over come you.. if they ever get more powerful for you, you can be possessed by it... the first indication will be black markings all over your body." He states looking down at me. "And then your eye will become solid black with a white ring around it.. it's called Mahon, also known as the human demon. But I'm sure you are strong enough to fight it off and they are willing to return back to you instead of over powering you. If they are over exhausted when they return back to the other realm you will become fatigued."

I nod my understanding what he is talking about. We train a little more longer. Teaching me the Shintai language to summon them. I had to be careful and say it exactly correct or else it wouldn't work correctly.

I get up early the next morning to meet Kumiko.
"Ready?" Kumiko asks as me walks up the hill to our meeting spot. I nod  and the two of us start off once again.

Butterflies and Puppets Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon