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Jaemin gave Chenle a can of apple juice drinks, receiving a word thanks from Chenle. Chenle opened up the can, sipping the juice a little bit while watching the scenery in front of him.

"I never know this place exist,"

"Yeah, no one actually noticed that. We can see a really nice view from here." Jaemin replied, playing with the can in his hand.

"Why did you run just now? Something happened?" Jaemin opened up a topic, making Chenle nodded as his answer. "Yeah, just the students somehow misunderstood me? Last night that person named Mark joined me to sleep in the class and we got caught in the morning. I don't even know who is Mark,"

"Oh, Mark Lee? That's why he ran after you,"

Chenle turned around to look at Jaemin. "Wait, you know him?"

"Yeah, we are closed back then. But now we took different courses so it's awkward to talk to each other like before," Jaemin answered Chenle, closing his eyes when the morning breeze blew on his face.

"Ah, he looks like a weirdo. But that is not a problem now. Where should I sleep after this? Urgh," Chenle buried his palms, realising that there was another problem he needs to think.

It was stressing him out actually.

"Mark is nice, he really is." Jaemin said that with a voice that barely can be heard by Chenle, before answering Chenle's actual question. "You can sleep at your house. Maybe you should have a talk with your housemate?"

Chenle looked up to see Jaemin, pressing his lips into a thin line. Talking to Haechan? He did not know if it is a good idea or not.

"Yeah, sure," Chenle replied shortly.

They stayed silence for a moment. Jaemin looked at Chenle, seeing Chenle finally relaxed himself as he was enjoying the scenery and the breeze at the same time. Without he realised, he was smiling at the pretty creature beside him.

"Chenle, hmm I will go to my grandparents' house this weekend. If you don't mind, you want to join me there for a sleepover?" Jaemin suddenly asked.

Did not know where he got his courage from, Chenle agreed to the invitation. They did not even close to each other. It was their third encounter but Chenle did not know how he can open up easily to Jaemin.


"Nice! I will pick you up then," Jaemin smiled, giving a pat on Chenle's head.

And Chenle, he did not know why he loves that.


The two skipped their classes, and getting back to the campus when it was already dawn and almost no one in the campus. Those two walked in the empty hallway and stopped on the half way to Chenle's class.

"It's okay, I can go there alone. Thank you for today, Jaemin," Chenle said, receiving another head-pat from Jaemin. "You don't have to thank me. Oh, I almost forget, I don't have your number yet," Jaemin took out his phone, giving it to Chenle.

"Oh, yes. Here is my number," Chenle inserted his numbers before Jaemin took his phone once again and saved Chenle's contact number. He then called the number, which then it showed up on Chenle's phone screen.

"That's mine," Jaemin said, ending up the call.

"Then, I guess, meet you this weekend?"

"Yep, be careful on your way home, Chenle!"

Chenle hummed, nodding while slowly step away from the place he stood.

They finally apart, with Jaemin walked on the opposite direction from Chenle.

Chenle turned around, nearly screaming when he was facing Mark. Chenle sighed, pretending like Mark was not there but Mark grabbed his arm, making Chenle tripped backward. Luckiky, he did not fall onto the floor.

Chenle glared at Mark, trying to let his arm free but Mark tighten his hold on Chenle's arm.

"What do you want? If you want to talk about what happened this morning, please just forget about it."

"So, your name is Chenle?" Mark asked, making Chenle annoyed with that not important question.

"Are you that eager to know my name? Listen, pretend that you don't know me." Chenle pulled his arm from Mark's grip by using his strength, passing by Mark before he stopped, because of Mark's words.

"Are you close with Jaemin?"

"Don't bring him up, he's nothing to do with you or with me,"

"Stay away from him Chenle. You will get hurt."

Those words from Mark made Chenle turned to face Mark once again, saying, "You are the one who suppose to stay away from me. And who am I close to is none of your business. You just know me today and it does not mean you can ask me to do anything."

Chenle said before walking away, leaving Mark alone in the hallway that seems getting darker as it was nearly night time.



Renjun smiled as soon he spotted Jeno who was waiting for him after he finished his last test. He ran towards the boy, crashing himself into Jeno's wide arms that welcomed him into a warm hug.

"Baby," Jeno stroked Renjun's hair, before giving a peck on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"How was your test today?" Jeno asked, intertwining their fingers as they walked towards the parking. That was what the usual things they do, asking random questions while holding hands (or sometimes cuddling when they were at home.)

"I don't know, I think I did bad,"

"You already did your best, baby! Don't worry about that, I'm sure you did great! Come on, should we celebrate?" Jeno said, looking at his boyfriend adorablely until Renjun needed to push him jokingly. "Don't look at me like that,"

"Ah, baby! Why you're so cute. I want to kiss you right now," Jeno suddenly hugged Renjun from his side, dropping a few kisses on Renjun's cheeks and lastly on his lips.

"Both of you are still in public," A voice stopped the couple from doing whatever they were doing. They looked at the person, meeting Jaemin who was standing there, looking at them with no expression on his face.

Jeno rolled his eyes while Renjun waved at Jaemin awkwardly. Nah, this man really disturbing the moment they were in, so Jeno somehow hate him. "Jaemin- ah, you are here. I didn't see you just now," Renjun stuttered, suddenly did not know how to talk to people.

"Jeno, don't forget to send your report. Your lecturer asked me to tell you that." Jaemin said, ignoring Renjun that still have his arm holding tightly onto Jeno's arm.

Jeno looked away, passing by Jaemin. He did not even reply to the guy. He pretended like Jaemin was not there at the first place.

"Jeno baby? You should at least thanks him," Renjun talked as soon as both of them entered the car. Jeno's face clearly shown that he did not have any mood after meeting Jaemin that day.

"When he was being rude to you?"

Renjun smiled warmly at his boyfriend, holding Jeno's hand to calm his boyfriend down.

Renjun knew that Jaemin dislikes him. But what can he do to that one fact? Not everyone likes him anyways. "Renjun, don't mind him anymore. As long as I'm here, you are safe with me. Okay, love?"

The fact that Jaemin is Jeno's cousin and very closed to Jeno's parents. He is nothing but only an outsider from Jeno's family. He knew Jeno's family will trust Jaemin more than Renjun.

"Trust me, baby. You are my number one. Always. And I will never leave you." Jeno beamed a reassuring smile, holding Renjun's hand before dropping a long kiss on the back of Renjun's hand.  

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