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Chenle removed his jacket, placing it on the floor as a pad for him to sleep on it. If you wondered why the boy ended up sleeping on the cold floor in the middle of night, it was because of his housemate, Haechan. Unlike Renjun, he can live with his boyfriend but for a single guy like him, he needs to find another way to have a good sleep, obviously, not at their shared apartment.

The housemates ; Chenle, Haechan and Renjun are always in a good term although three of them are completely taking different courses. Although they were in the same university, it does not allow them to take lunch together, walk to the class with each other and have a friendly chat. They are not that close to do that.

If you asked Chenle to describe each of them, Chenle will say that none of them are normal. Chenle was born rich, but his parents died when he was a teenager, leaving him with their richness and yes, Chenle never use the money or return to his family's home. The big house feels empty anyway. Only maids, and their gardeners live there to take care of the house. That was why Chenle looks so poor in front of their classmates that threw hate on Chenle because of that.

For Renjun, the boy who look like a nerd- but actually not. He takes pharmacy course, stressing almost 24 hours, mood kept on changing and Chenle needs to handle him a lot. Renjun loves to study. He is also someone that Chenle really closed too. Although they are not that close, at least, Renjun is too kind to be friend with him, ignoring what people say about him. Renjun is an open-minded person. A perfect figure, but not single for anyone who wants to try him.

Lee Haechan. Well, he is good. Or maybe not. He brought different girls to fuck almost every night at their house, disturbing Renjun who loves to study and Chenle who loves to sleep. At least, Renjun has another option ; staying in his boyfriend's house if that happened as he always welcome there. For Chenle, he needs to search another way, which made he ended up to sneak into his classroom past midnight, sleeping there until the morning arrived.

He did not scared of ghost but he scared of the guards there, the most. If he get caught to be there after midnight, he will not only get detention but he can't sit for his final examination, or maybe he will be forced to change his course, which he did not want that to happen.

Slowly he moved in silent, laying his whole body on the jacket without no blanket covered his body in the cold night. He shivered, trying to engulf his body into a ball, making the temperature rise a little bit. Eyelids were getting heavier, Chenle decided to close his eyes to sleep.


Chenle moved a lot in his sleep, maybe because of the class was getting cold. He opened his eyes, hoping that it was already morning but the only thing he can see was darkness. Moving his hand beside him, trying to grab his phone. That was when he noticed, his body was being covered with a jacket, someone else jacket as he can smell an unfamiliar scent on it.

Turning on his phone, it was still 4 in the morning. He sighed, feeling a little bit scared- somehow, he felt someone was there with him. He turned on his flashlight, covering his mouth with his palm when he almost scream after seeing a sleeping figure on a chair beside the floor he laid on.

The flashlight made the person opened his eyes, closing his eyes immediately when the light striked into his eyes.

"Can you turn it off, please?" The person said, making Chenle muttered a word 'sorry' before turning the light off.

"What are you doing here and who are you? I never see you in my class before," Chenle asked, no longer feeling sleepy anymore. He was too startled to see someone else other than him in his classroom, in that early hour.

"Jaemin. Na Jaemin. Third year student of architecture." The guy named Jaemin talked with his raspy voice as he was still sleepy. It was not his plan to stay there but because of humanity.

Jaemin stayed in the campus until morning as he got the permission from his campus director to do his final year project. He gave all his best into his drawings, paper works and his mini architecture, spending almost four months working on it. He got no time to sleep, already used to sleep for two hours per day.

He just finished with his project when he walked through the hallway, seeing the door of the class that Chenle stayed in was opened. At first, he decided to close it but then he noticed, someone was snoring. He did not know from where the courage he got to approach the sleeping figure, smiling when he found out a small body curved into a ball, shivering because of the cold night.

Jaemin removed his jacket, slowly covering Chenle's body with it. Knowing that he will have a full day of rest on the next day, he decided to wait there until morning, until the guy awake. At least, if guards were patrolling around, Jaemin can show the permission he got to stay there, so both of them will not get any punishment from the higher-ups.

Grabbing a chair to seat, staring at Chenle, he slowly drove into sleep.

Oh, the story ended there.

Jaemin told everything to Chenle, but the other did not show any interest to listen to his story. Chenle returned Jaemin's jacket, but Jaemin passed it back to Chenle.

"Just sleep. I will wake you up when it's morning, urm, your name?" Jaemin said, making Chenle nodded slowly. Well, he felt sleepy again but then, he noticed that he did not introduce himself yet to Jaemin.

"Zhong Chenle. First year student of Art Theatre. By the way, thank you, senior Na and good night,"

Chenle continued to sleep, turning his body to his side, giving his back view toward Jaemin, did not notice that Jaemin chuckled lightly behind him because it was kind of cute to hear the word 'senior Na' from Chenle's mouth, that sounded sarcastic in Jaemin's ears.

"Sleep well, junior Zhong,"

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