Chapter 2: Take Me Away

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It has been two months since Sonic and Tails first met each other. Tails is on the beach watching the waves crash into the rocks nearby, the sight of the sunset a calming sight to the relaxing little fox. Since Sonic had finished his plane, he'd been flying all over the world, exploring new places, meeting new people, and getting all the machines and gadgets he could get his hands on.

On this particular day, he had just left a village he came across, they offered the fox some fruit in exchange for fixing their water purifiers, Tails finishes the last of the fruit and lays on the blanket he bought with him, the wind blowing his fur about was nothing short of relaxing.

Tails closes his eyes and thinks about what Sonic could probably be doing, he wished he could be as cool and charismatic as him. He closes he dreams about Sonic, the hedgehog is standing there extending his hand out so Tails could take it, "Come on buddy! Let's do this together!"

The dream makes Tails squirm excitedly.

"Hey! Hello?! You asleep?!" A familiar voice says as it gradually gets louder, "Hey pal! You okay?"

Tails sits up immediately and looks up, standing there with bandages on his hands is Sonic. Tails' face turns red in embarrassment, he really wished Sonic had not seen him behaving like that, but he brushes it off and fixes himself up.

"Sonic!... Yeah... I'm fine... What are you doing here?"

"Just taken a vacation, nothing special. How've you been?" Sonic asks, sitting down next to him.

"Good, since you finished my plane, I've been traveling. Traveling a little too much maybe..." Tails says scratching the back of his head.

Sonic looks ahead at the water and shivers uncomfortably, Tails is confused, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I just really hate water" Sonic says, trying to keep his composure.

"How come?" Tails asks, somewhat confused.

"I...I can't swim" Sonic admits, "I've tried to learn how to, but every time I see a body of water, there's this crumbling feeling inside like if I get any closer I'll have a panic attack. And the ocean, it has to be the worst of them"

"So you have hydrophobia... Well, I have Astraphobia" Tails admits, playing around with his fingers.

"What's that?" Sonic asks.

"It's the fear of lightning... I hate loud, unexpected noises"

"Same, I also hate spiders too, they creep me out" Sonic says.

They share a laugh together and then there's a moment of quiet between the two for a moment, nothing but the sound of the ocean and the leaves blowing in the air. Tails looks up at Sonic, there's something he's always wanted to ask the guy since he first met him and that's if he could join him and his adventures traveling around the world and stopping evil in whatever form it comes in.

He's never had friends before because everyone would bully him for his abnormality and Sonic seemed like the perfect guy to be friends with, he was kindhearted, helpful and full of positive energy. The fox takes a deep breath and opens his mouth but it's hard for the words to come out. Sonic turns and looks down at him smiling in a friendly manner. Tail's face turns red, it feels like it's on fire and he doesn't seem to know why.

"Something you wanna say?" Sonic asks.

"I... Uh..."

Suddenly, and without warning something grabs Sonic by the waist and yanks him away from Tails, the hedgehog shouts angrily, it's a robot and it's big, Sonic struggles wildly trying to get free and all Tails can do is watch in horror as the machine stuffs him inside of a glass tube and shuts it.

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