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Al Thaelab's eyes glowed and his claws elongated, "Put that down before I put you down." He told the Queen girl. "You first." Thea told him. Al Thaelab smirked, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. No matter the choice you make, you will come with us." He said with certainty.

Thea then smiled as she thought of something, "What if I can get you someone that's been the cause of all your problems? The actual person that killed Nyssa?" She asked him just as Nyssa landed on the terrance.

"You know the name of Sara's killer?" Nyssa asked, her voice laced with curiosity and doubt. "I do. His name is Malcom Merlyn." Thea said surprising the two assassins.

"Is he not your father? Why betray your own blood?" Nyssa questioned, wondering why this girl would betray her own father.

"He is not my father!" She shouted. "That bastard betrayed my trust, used me. He isn't my father. Robert Queen is my father." Thea added as she placed the dagger down and began to write down something on a piece of paper.

She walked up to Al Thaelab, handing him the paper, "Make that bastard pay." She said, Al Thaelab looked into her eyes to find no regret for the action she had just done.

Al Thaelab glanced down at the paper to find a address, "It's where you'll find Merlyn. You better hurry before Laurel beats you to him." She advised the two assassins.

Al Thaelab and Nyssa nodded at the girl as they turned around and jumped off the terrance as they began to head to the address she had given them.


Al Thaelab, Nyssa, and the assassins watched as Malcolm and Laurel in her Black Canary costume were going at it. "She has improved." Nyssa commented, watching the Lance woman's fighting. "Still sloppy." Al Thaelab said before giving the signal to drop down.

Laurel and Malcom's eyes widened at the many assassins that dropped from above them. One of the assassins quickly hit the gun that Laurel had in her grasp, causing her to drop it before holding the sword to her throat.

Al Thaelab and Nyssa proceeded to drop down in front of them as well, "Stand down, Laurel." Al Thaelab said. Laurel's eyes widened, "Al Thaelab. Nyssa." She said shocked that they and the League are in Starling.

"This does not concern you." Nyssa said as she stood in front of Malcolm. Laurel gave a confused look to Al Thaelab, the boy nodded and said, "She is correct. We are only here for Al Sa-her." Malcom stared at Nyssa before swinging his blade at her.

He blocked her sword, kicking her in the stomach causing the Al Ghul to fall on the floor before he found a pair of claws at the front of his throat. Malcolm's eyes widened as he saw that Al Thaelab had his supernatural facial features out.

"That's enough of that." Al Thaelab said before his claws went back into his fingernails. Al Thaelab quickly grabbed Malcom's throat, pulling him up into the air before smashing back down to the ground leaving the man unconscious.

Al Thaelab turned towards the assassins in front of him and gestured to them to grab the unconscious man. They nodded accepting their task as they began to haul him away.

He then heard Nyssa talk to Laurel as he stood up, "It is admirable of you to honor your sister, but you can rest now. Sara's murder is avenged." She told her as the two began to walk away.

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