chp9:The first encounter

Start from the beginning

When he say that I think I was about to go crazy because I thought I see elder brother Myrkvour and elder brother gigunanggap was flying out of my body while hold their hand together like praying like a dead people flying with a wing at their back to the heavens

Cecilia:[ rub both her eyes ]

Cecilia:am I going crazy ?

Gaia:< your are not going crazy Cecilia now how about we stop here I thought that today bell going to introduce you to that pullum name lili am I right? >

Cecilia:< Ah you right. >


Currently me bell and lili are currently at the 12rd floor with our formation being me the one taking the front line with bell being the middle guarding lili if any monster past me.

For lili she is our eyes and protecting our blind spot when we don't see to help cover our back.

I could say that we might able to reach the 15rd floor if the two of them can keep it up

Cecilia:[ Slash killing the fire ant ]

Cecilia: That makes it 48 kill.

Bell&lili:[ Had star in their eyes. ]

Bell: Wow mother that was awesome

Lili: Yes the way you kill all the fire ant like a blink of and eyes without being tired is cool.

Cecilia: Thank the two of you.

Cecilia: Bell I can see that our training in the early morning had make you improve in your fighting ways and the new amour is suit you perfectly this past few days.

Cecilia: And lili capabilities to help cover our weekness really help a lot cover our blind spot in a group of three people.

Lili:[ blush a little bit ]

Lili: He~he~ thank you Ms.cecilia.

Lili:( Ghis is really embarrassing and good at the same time being praise by someone. )

Cecilia: Their is no need to call me with formal just call me Cecilia.

Bell:( 8t seems like lili had warm up to Cecilia ever since we had done dungeon dive all together. )

Cecilia: You can call me Cecilia, mother or mom if you want lili.


Bell: Hehe~ don't worry about it lili you can call Cecilia mom or mother even I call her that from time to time.

Lili: well then ok then.... Mother.

Cecilia:[ Give a satisfied smile. ]

Lili:( This feel even more good but...)

Lili:[ Look at Cecilia. ]

Lili: Emmm sir bell is it just me or Cecilia is looking satisfied from the smile on her face.

Bell: No, this is a normal reaction from mother.

Bell: You see mother had a soft spot for children actually that why she ask you to call her mom or mother.

Lili: I-i see... That.

Cecilia: Anyway does the two of think we should end it as a day.

Bell: I don't know mom how about you lili?

Lili: I think that we should end it here since I feel a little bit tired.

Cecilia: Ok then how about a few minutes break then we go back up then bell lili?

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