★ Seventeen ★

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"Hurry up!"

The banging on my door didn't cease as I pulled up my baggy red pants, finishing up with getting dressed.

I only had 40 minutes to get ready before Harry started banging on my door, rushing me out of my room.

I didn't even get to do my full makeup for tonight, only putting on eyeliner and some lipgloss.

"I'm coming, you're so impatient." I groaned loudly, standing on one foot as I tried getting on my boot standing.

"You have ten more seconds or I'm coming in and dragging you out."

"If you'd stop talking, this would be happening a lot faster." I snapped and stood back onto both my feet, grabbing my bag from the chair in the corner of the room.

Looking in the vanity mirror, I straightened out the black long sleeve that was slightly cropped, showing a strip of my stomach which is why I donned a leather jacket on top of it.

It was cold outside, but sometimes I had to sacrifice my comfort for fashion, which I why I grabbed some warm gloves and a knitted hat just in case I got cold.

Opening the door, I came face to face with Harry who was standing in the middle of the hallway, his arms crossed and his face filled with impatience.

"Finally." He grabbed my arm that was just hanging by my side and pulled me with him, dragging me down the stairs, past the living room, and to the entrance of the house.

Frowning, I looked around but saw that no one else was there.

"Where is everyone else?"

"They're not coming." He swung the door open and gently pushed me out of the house, closing it behind him as we walked down the stairs, across the pathway, and into his car.

It was a really cool car, the complete opposite of Belle's car.

I didn't really give it much thought when he drove us back home from our show, but it looked vintage.

Opening the door, I gently slid inside onto the seat, shutting the door behind me softly knowing that some people got annoyed when their car doors were shut with too much force.

When the engine started and he slowly started backing out onto the road, I looked out the window for a bit before glancing at him.

"Your car is cool."

He only gave me a side eye and shrugged. "Thanks."

"What car is this?"

He stayed silent, paying attention to the road before answering.

"1967 Mercury Cougar."

"It looks really good for such an old car."

He hummed in agreement, his eyes flashing with something until he subtly shook his head to himself and focused back on the road, his forehead creasing with concentration.

"Can I turn on the radio?" I asked when the silence got too loud, wanting to ease it out with some noise.

"This radio is shit." He mumbled but didn't refuse.

"I'll find something, can I?"

He stretched his hand and pressed something, switching on the radio.

"You can move this little thing here," he pointed at a black button, "to switch the stations."

Lovers End [h.s]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz