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Tayden looked around in awe at the yellowing landscape. He tiptoed around the place, whistling and humming. He went around feeling the grasses that certainly had dewdrops on them, blowing dandelions here and there. It seemed to me that he had already found the meaning that this place would hold for him. I didn't know what to feel about that thought, it certainly didn't give me pleasure; it was quite the opposite. It gave me a flutter in my heart for a second. 

Yakove stood entranced by the horizon, feeling the fresh air with his arms wide open while Hosier stood beside me, smiling at Tayden and asking him to be careful. I was observing and trying so hard to be in the moment with the three of them but I was partially failing. With every loud laughter, with every thud, I was increasingly being consumed by fear; the fear of the unknown. What if the sounds alerted the guards and we got punished? What if someone is holding us under gunpoint from the massive tower far behind us? What if this is all a game?

"Joon...Joonie?" Hosier called me. I was grateful for the relief from the avalanche of intrusive thoughts. "Are you okay?" he asked me.

"No doubt about it. Of course I am," I tried to give him the most convincing smile I could conjure up.

"I don't think you are okay Joon. Look you're all sweaty and panting. Is something bothering you?" he asked wiping at my temples.

"It's the heat you know," I tried to convince him but knew that I was terribly failing.

"I don't buy that one-bit Joonie," he replied furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's hard when you don't know what to fear because then everything frightens you," I didn't want to tell him anything but I told him anyway. Hosier looked at me with empathy with his wide-open eyes, a sad frown on his face. I turned to see that even Yakove was looking at me with concern.

I stood there trying to find a solution to get out of the situation. I could feel all their attention on me; too heavy to resist. I wanted to run away into the bathroom to bring back my composure but I didn't want them to have any memory of it. I didn't want them to ask me what was wrong. Because there was nothing wrong with me. I was a perfect man like how my mother wanted me to be. As if by cue, Peter appeared from the forest nearby with his arms full of firewood for supper. 

"Oh, a new one in the abode?" Peter asked, indicating Tayden.

"Lord! Hosier told you not to go alone in the woods you little minx," Yakove chimed in with a scold.

"So you do care about people don't you sweetie-pie?" he replied, putting the firewood on the ground.

"Don't you dare call me that name ever again you little-" 

"Little what?"

"Little minx! That's what you're!" Yakove replied.

"I'm only a minx for you. Sweetie-pie!" 

"Could you guys quit bickering like an old married couple please?" Yakove was interrupted by Hosier, leaving him frustratedly massaging his eyebrows. 

"Tell me you are not enjoying this, then I'll stop talking," Peter demanded, his hands on his hips.

"We're creating an impression here, Peter Pan," Hosier replied.

"Nah, that's not the answer to my question sir !" 

"I don't know about them but I am definitely enjoying this," Tayden gave an answer out of the blue. We all broke into laughter.

"That solves it then. Please carry on with your silly conversation. No impression required," Hosier replied with all smiles.

"You know what? I like this tall little fellow," Peter said patting Tayden's shoulders.

"Just tell us you won't run for the woods alone!" Hosier said.

"I promise that will never happen again," Peter said with a serene smile, kissing him.

It really did impress me how quickly and fearlessly Tayden adapted to such an environment and of course I brought back my composure. We headed to prepare our dinner.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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