The Morning Of

115 14 20

Chapter 42
Micah's pov

I wish I knew what to do for my mate to help ease her anxiety. After she told me about her nightmare, I came to the conclusion that she's still torn up over what her formula does.

Why else would she be dreaming such things? There was no way in hell Malcomb would be able to wipe out our entire pack. Not to mention his sneaking up on me was something that could never possibly happen. That might sound arrogant but it's the truth.

Trying to explain this to her though doesn't go over so well. She thinks that because she woke up at the exact time she saw on the clock in her dream, that it was some kind of a warning. I disagree. Weird coincidence? Sure, but a premonition? Not likely.

Once she stopped shaking, she went and called Azariah. She doesn't tell her about her dream, just asks some questions that she already had the answer to. Like what time to head over, who was driving, that sort of stuff. The truth was, she just needed to hear her voice, and make sure that someone would answer her calls.

I don't understand why she can't see that this nightmare and her recent headaches are all stress related. The one thing I do know is that when this shit storm is over, I'm going to take her away somewhere tropical where we can just lay out on the beach all day and relax.

We'll drink from glasses with those little umbrellas in them, and not worry about anything besides dressing and feeding ourselves. Only humans have the honeymoon tradition, but I think it's time we adopted this one. As a matter of fact, every year on our mating anniversary, we'll go away somewhere different.

After Amber and I had breakfast, she went to go take a bath, and try to relax. She didn't need to be at Azariah's parent's house until noon, so we had a few hours left to kill.

Her computer makes that musical sound that indicates she has a notification. Glancing at it, I debate on rather or not to tell her. It's probably Malcomb sending out a text or doing something on his computer. I can't decide if it would be worth it to just look tomorrow, and enjoy today with our best friends.

She has enough on her plate right now, I don't want whatever that idiot is up to adding to it today. But on the other hand, if he was up to something, we might not have until tomorrow to find out.

Damn it. I feel like talking to Azariah later on, and figuring out how we could go about taking the fight to them without involving my unwilling father. We could probably get support from Alpha Finn, maybe that's all we'll need.

My phone dings and I go grab it off the kitchen counter.

Liam- I need to see you NOW

Shit. This is not what I need today. However I asked him to do something for me, so it would be rude to brush him off.

Me- Meet me downstairs at Amber's building in ten minutes.

Liam- Okay

Knowing that if I tried to leave Amber would probably freak out, I figured this was the best compromise I could come up with. Now I just need to go see if Amber agrees with me.

"Sweetheart" I call out through the bathroom door. "Can I come in?"

She groans out "Mhmm."

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