One Step Ahead

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Chapter 41
Amber's pov

I swear it must be Murphy's Law that when I'm exhausted is when I'll need to be more focused than ever.

I fully expected all the notifications showing me that Malcomb texted Zane and said he needed to see him ASAP. What I didn't expect, was for that asshole to try to hack back into our computer system at one in the damn morning.

Being pulled out of a dead sleep was grating on my nerves. My eyes didn't want to focus, and my fingers weren't moving as fast over the keyboard as I would like. If this keeps up, even I won't be able to stop him this time.

Of course, this was the point in time that it dawns on me that I don't need to stop him. I've been wasting my time and effort for the last half an hour to keep him out of a program that I built specifically for him. I groan at my own stupidity, and Micah comes up behind me and rubs my shoulders.

"What's wrong love?" He asks.

"I'm an idiot is what's wrong," I say but don't elaborate. I was so focused on staying one step ahead of this asshole, that I forgot I already was.

I push my chair back, and watch Malcomb access the rest of the school files he was after. Go ahead pal, take them all. Have fun finding what you're looking for.

The only problem with this is that he's here for a reason. He hasn't tried to get back in for two weeks now, so it's suspicious that he chose tonight to do it. This leads me to believe that he must be on to us, or at the very least he suspects our involvement.

I wish I knew what was discussed in the meeting that he called Zane in for. I know it had to do with him finding out that Jason was dead, but what they talked about would be useful information to have.

Malcomb was at least smart enough not to discuss it through text or email, I'll give him that much.

There was a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach though. He was scrambling to figure things out, and his sights were set on us.

My decision to put off working on an antidote may have been premature. I made that call while I was upset, and stressed about what my formula did. While I still think it's important that we do more studies on the wolf gene, maybe we could do both. If I could get more helping hands in my lab, it should be feasible.

"Can I make you tea?" Micah offers pulling me out of my own head.

"No thanks, I need to be able to go back to sleep," I inform him.

"Isn't tea supposed to help with that?" He says in a manner that suggests I'm supposed to know this. Time for some much-needed education on the subject.

"Actually..." I pause for dramatic effect, "Tea has more caffeine per milligram." He looks at me confused and I chuckle. "Tea leaves have about 3.6 percent caffeine in them and unbrewed coffee beans have only around 1.1 to 2 percent caffeine."

"Weren't you just saying a minute ago that you were an idiot?" Then under his breath, he mutters, "I swear only you would actually know something like this."

"Watch yourself" I threaten. "Or you'll be needing to find another date for the ceremony tomorrow."

"Well it just so happens that I hear Clueless is going stag, so I'll take him." And with that, he waltzes out of the room.

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