Chapter 39 : Mewni Falls

Start from the beginning



Buff Frog found himself looking up at someone in chains. "Are you King River?"

"Ah, yes,"

"I'm Buff Frog, and I'm friends with your daughter. She sometimes babysits my tadpoles."

Buff Frog found himself before a fellow father and started to look around. He quickly found a hammer and used it to free River.

"We have to get going. Toffee is doing a thing."

"I noticed," He motioned to the sky.

"We need to leave. Whatever Toffee is doing, I don't think Mewni will stand after this."

River said, "They trapped my people in the dungeons. If we don't get them out- help me save them."

"Yes, I'll help." Buff Frog forced a smile. River had just lost his daughter and didn't know it, and Buff Frog could at least help lessen the losses. After all, it was the right thing to do, and he owed it to the girl they lost. She'd do it if she could.

The fathers rushed to the dungeons to save the people of Mewni.


Stan drove like a maniac in his old car. He skids to a stop as the confused town folks on confused. Stan jumped out and looked at the Mayor.

"Mayor Tyler! I don't have time to explain, but things are bad. We have to get everyone out of town."


"Just like that?"

"Yeah, last year you and your family saved us all. If you say we got to leave town, it's got to be for a good reason."

Stan was confused. He wasn't used to people respecting and trusting him.

Tyler yelled out to everyone present and the guards, "Okay, everyone stay together. Spread the words, and call the police and firefighters to get everyone going. Make sure we don't leave anyone behind, and everyone makes sure your family and neighbors are accounted for. If you have room in your cars help those who don't. If you need a ride, we will help."


As The Diazes and Soos and Melody helped drag the Commission into their cars, Ford and McGucket worked on a machine.

They frantically put machine parts together. "Okay, this will be a miracle, but I might be able to lessen the rifts effect. If I tap into the weirdness field around Gravity Falls, it might slow down universal forces."

"Won't it have a shift effect on anything weird? It might trap the weird folks here."

Ford sighed, "It would slow down the chaos. It could extend minutes to hours."

"If you work, someone like you isn't going to travel fast."

Ford looked at his six fingers. Even if his hands were normal, he was weird enough that he'd get pulled to Gravity Falls. "I have faith, my family out there. They will get everyone else out. Those kids didn't run away for fun and had to have a plan in mind. If anyone can manage it, it will be them."

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