"In other words, he said nothing as to why he filed for the divorce."

"Nope and honestly, I don't want to ask. If he wants to tell me or anyone, he will. In his time. The most we can give him is time. He doesn't say anything, but his eyes show how broken he is. I saw it and it's devastating seeing him like that. I'm not going to push him for answers. I can see why he didn't want to stay with Jin or his parents."

"You're the only one who wouldn't push. He knew that and I'm sure that's partly why he went to you and nobody else."

"But I do want to pry with you. Why didn't you say anything? Jin was in love with you too!" Irene made to speak, but she raised her hand to stop her. "I want the truth, no excuses or lies."

"What did you want me to do? Mess up our friendship? It's not the same since he confessed, and I rejected him."

Sooyoung had been taking a bite of her croissant when Irene dropped that new information. She dropped the croissant and her mouth hung open.

"I'm sorry, what?! Irene! Why did you reject him if you love him?"

"I didn't back then, okay! Back then," Irene pouted looking at her hands before speaking, "at least I thought I didn't feel the same. It happened before he met Jisoo."

"That was two years ago."

"I know. Soo, I was afraid. I rejected him because there was no way I loved him as more than a friend. He told me it was okay, and he'd wait. He did, but when Jisoo came, I still didn't think I had more than platonic love for him. It broke me when they began to date. That was when I finally realized I did love him, the moment he moved on. I'm devastated Sooyoung. I lost my chance. If he hadn't met Jisoo, I would be able to tell him how I feel."

"That's why you've been distant, haven't you?"

"Yeah," she slumped, her pouting and red-rimmed eyes made her look younger than she was. "I wish I could ignore him. I avoid meeting face to face. It's so hard to avoid his calls when he constantly calls until I pick up. That's why run Sooyoung. Don't allow Tae into your life. Nothing good will come out of it."

"I'm not going to fall in love with him, Irene. He's getting a divorce. That's fucked up."

"I'm trying to look out for you. They're charming."

Sooyoung smiled in understanding. She knew how charming they were. If Taehyung wasn't so charming, she would have never helped him woo Hani in the first place. She knew those charms; she wasn't dumb and she still wondered if this was the best decision she could have made.

"I know. If you want to know, he blackmailed me and that is why I agreed."

"With what?"

"Doesn't matter, that's not important. What is important is all our lives are falling apart. You're in love with Jin, who's getting married in ten months. Kyujong broke up with me. Tae is getting a divorce. The first woman Jimin has found an interest in turns out to work for our rival company. No one knows what's going on with Joon. Hoseok is living his bachelor life, as is Jungkook. We're all in our thirties! Some are even in their late thirties. What is wrong with us? We should be settled, like Wendy and Yoongi!"

Irene nodded, stopping at the mention of Yoongi and Wendy. Facing Sooyoung, she took her hand, making her face her with wondering eyes.

"You haven't heard, have you?"


"Yoongi and Wendy."

"No! Don't you dare tell me they are getting a divorce or are having marital issues? I aspire to be them! Don't give this horrible news. I will lose all hope of everything." She proclaimed, making Irene chuckle before her face fell and looked somber.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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