CHAPTER 6 PART 2 *(edited)*

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(A/N): Okay! So I somehow managed to post as well as edit this part. And Imma go study for my exams.
Hope you all enjoyed it! Bye



Boboiboy suddenly tightened his grip on my hand, causing a faint blush to creep onto my cheeks. His unexpected action caught me off, guard.

"Hey! Turn that frown upside down. I'm your friend, so don't be sad, okay?" he said, his voice filled with warmth as he flashed me a sweet smile.

I couldn't help but smile back. "Hehe... thanks," I replied, feeling a surge of happiness.

Boboiboy POV:

"Hehe...thanks," she said, smiling brightly. Her smile was so cute that I couldn't help but watch her with delight.

I'll do whatever I can to keep that smile on her face.

Suddenly, (Y/n) looked down, and her eyes widened. Confused by her reaction, I followed her gaze and realized that I was still holding her hand. We both pulled our hands away quickly, and I found myself blushing uncontrollably.

I turned my face slightly to catch a glimpse of her, and to my surprise, she was blushing too. We sat there quietly, feeling the awkwardness of the moment until she spoke up.

"H-Hey, um... can you pass me the TV remote for a sec?" she asked.

"Yeah, here you go," I handed her the remote.

She started scrolling through the channels, probably checking the show timings.

"Okay... let's see. From 12 pm to 2 pm, there's Anabella Doll. From 8 pm to 10 pm, there's The Nun movie, and from 10 pm to 12 am, there's The Conjuring movie... Perfect!" she said, still scrolling down.

"Are you planning to watch those?" I asked.

"I don't know... um..." she hesitated.

"Let's watch that doll one! I think it's interesting!" I suggested.

"Oh... uh... okay then!" she agreed.

"Ooooh, are you scared?" I teased.

"N-No, I'm not!" she denied, but her blush gave her away.

Okay! Now I am 100% sure she is scared.

"Okay then, as you wish!" I said, stretching my arms. "But don't jump on me after any jumpscares."

(Y/N) POV:

"Wha-... geez... when did you become such a tease?" I retorted, blushing. "I never saw you teasing anyone in any episodes..."

"I dunno... but it's fun teasing you," he said, smirking mischievously.

Damn it! Ugh! I can't let him get under my skin like this, I thought to myself.

Suddenly, I remembered something important.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered! Your wounds!" I exclaimed.

"Huh?" Boboiboy looked puzzled.

"Your wounds... those scratches on your arm," I reminded him.

"Oh yeah... you're right," he said, glancing at his arms.

"Let me put some medicine and bandages on them, or else they might get infected," I offered.

"It's okay... I'm kinda used to it by now. You don't have to trouble yourself," he replied.

"NO, you have to treat your wounds," I insisted firmly.

"Fine... okay, okay, your highness," he said, raising both hands in surrender.

"Great," I replied with a smile.

I got up from the couch and walked toward my parents' room. I retrieved the first aid kit and returned to find Boboiboy standing near the shelves. I snuck up behind him and peeped over his shoulder cause he was taller than me. 

He was looking so fondly, I couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Is that you?" he questioned, turning towards me.

I glanced at what he was looking at and saw a family photo of me, my parents, and my brother when I was around 8 years old.

"Yup, that's me! This is my brother, and these are my parents," I explained, pointing at each person in the picture.

"Oh..." Boboiboy responded.

"What do you think?" I inquired, eager for his opinion.

"Hm...?" he pondered, looking thoughtful.

"Am I cute in that picture?" I pressed.

"Yeah... and hey! Where is your brother? I haven't seen him," Boboiboy asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh! He's studying abroad!" I replied.

"Oh..." Boboiboy sounded slightly disappointed.

"Okay now, come and sit on the couch. I need to treat your wounds," I said, guiding him back to the couch.

He nodded, and we both sat down. I prepared a cotton ball with antiseptic.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, concerned.

"Well... not really," he replied.

As soon as I pressed the cotton ball against his cuts...

"OW!... OK, OK... it hurts very much," he exclaimed, wincing in pain.

I continued applying the antiseptic, and he made those hissing sounds.

"Did I press too hard?" I asked, worried.

"N-No, no... it's fine," he reassured me.

After about 10 minutes, I finished applying the medicine and wrapping his arm with bandages.

"And... DONE!" I said, smiling.

"Thanks, (Y/n)," he said, returning the smile.

"Hey!" I suddenly exclaimed, catching him off guard.

"W-WHAT?" he asked, with his hand over his chest. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Wanna go outside?" I asked, my eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Uh... will it be okay?" he asked, sounding unsure.

"Yeah! It's really boring in the house, right? Soooo... what do you think?" I proposed eagerly.



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