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Cecily groaned taking off her heals and tossed them in to her closet.

It was around nine pm, when she managed to get out of parliament as most member were curious of her disappearance.

She got changed into pyjamas quickly in hopes of seeing Edith.

Passing Max and AJ who bowed, she stopped seeing the dinosaur in Max's hand.

"How was your day with Edith?" Cecily asked.

"She was an angel, your majesty, she also asked me to watch Bambi." Max extended out the dinosaur for her to give back to Edith but Cecily shook her head smiling.

"If Edith asked you take care of Bambi, than take care of him." She laughed entering the room.

"Cupcake," Cecily called out, "are you still awake?"

She went to the bed but there was no sign of Edith, a panic rose in her chest. She looked in the closet and bathroom.  As she was about to yell, her eyes fell on the lit up tent.

Opening it she found books scattered all around tent and Edith with dry tears on her rosie cheeks and a red nose. Her arms clinging on to life to Buttercup.

Cecily's throat closed up at the sight. She picked Edith out of the tent and cradled her baby. Edith's body lean in closer to her and she felt the full pull up.

"Oh my poor baby," Cecily croaked out.

Hearing Cecily's voice Edith's eyes opened, she looked up at her with red eyes.

"Ceci!" She cried wrapping her arms around her.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked concern.

Edith stayed quiet holding on to Cecily, She brought Edith into the closet and tried to settle her on the changing table but Edith whined holding on to her.

"Baby, you got let go for a sec," Cecily insisted, "mommy needs to get you in a dry nappy."

Edith frowned and slowly let go, she looked at Cecily with watery eyes, the tears threatening to fall.

Cecily ripped the pull up off, she cleaned Edith with a cold wipe making her shiver. Powdering every crevis she slid a nappy under Edith making sure it was snug.

She sat Edith up and she lounged at her, "we aren't done yet baby." Cecily had to hold her back as she had to grab pyjamas for Edith.

She slipped the footsie pyjamas on her feet and stood her up zipping it up.

Edith clung on to Ceci instantly as she was brought down. Cecily patted Edith's bottom trying to soothe her, she went to the rocking chair and sat down with her.

"Whats wrong?" Cecily asked again.

"Nothing," Edith mumbled playing with her hair.

Seeing Edith did not want to talk she asked , "well than how was your day?" She continued patting her bottom seeing how she was relaxing.

"I read," Edith murmured.

Cecily laughed softly, the sound like music to Edith, "so it wasn't a storm that passed in your tent."

"No storm," Edith said scrunching her nose her head coming out of hiding.

"Really, I would have assumed a storm passed through!"

"No storm, I just read all morning," Edith stated with a giggle. "I'm a fast reader."

"So you read today and what else?" Cecily in courage seeing Edith open up slowly.

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