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Laying on the ground holding her stomach, Edith cried out in pain.

Mrs. Sunshine rushed over telling everyone to clear the way.

No one had seen Edith cry before, even if she fell on her face multiple times while running.

"Edith what happened," she asked.

Edith held on the her stomach unable to speak any words, she could only cry.

"Jason punched her in the stomach," Miles rushed out.

Prying her hands away from her stomach, Mrs. Sunshine pulled her shirt up to see a rapid growing bruise on her stomach.

"Miles get Mr. Brown! Now!" Mrs. Sunshine told him.

Edith's eyes started to roll back, "I go sleep."

"No Edith stay awake, stay awake with me. Keep those pretty eyes open."

"I want Margie," she cried out in pain.

Mr. Brown rushed in having been caught up by a panicked Miles. Mrs. Sunshine sighed in relief. "We need to get her to the nurse."

Mr.Brown picked her up and ran to the nurses office bursting the door opened.

"She got hit in the stomach it's bad," Mr. Brown said laying her down.

Edith curled up more into a ball the nurses had to lay her down forcefully despite her cries, to see the injury.

They began to feel around her stomach and frowned, Edith felt her pull up fill up making her cry out.

"It looks like blunt force, they hit close to her bladder."

Edith's eyes started to close again, "Keep those eyes open sweety." The nurse encouraged.


"Your auntie is on her way." She said to Edith, "her pulse is weak."

Edith curled and puked on the side, making her go quiet at the pain.

She felt her nappy grow more underneath.

A nursed grabbed her hand and put a needle in it. Edith whined, the medication was inserted and made her sleepy.

Her eyes started to close and the pain to subside. The last thing she saw was Margie running in.

"Is she alright!" Margie asked rushing to the now asleep Edith.

"We gave her medications for the pain, she will be asleep for a bit." The doctor had pulled out an ultrasound and was checking over Edith's bruised stomach.

"Is she going to be ok?"

"By the looks of it, she should be alright. However she did get hit very close to her bladder, she may loose control over it, there's a bruise that needs healing."

Margie brushed Edith's hair, "my poor baby. Is that going to hurt her a lot?"

"It will for the next week, but with pain medication hopefully I'll be manageable."


Edith woke up feeling groggy her head pounding like the first time she had ever gotten a hangover, she sat up groaning in pain as her stomach pulled in a sharp pain.

Out of air she leaned against the cribs bars, she felt the same warmth comfort from her pull up but this time it was rather more firm underneath her waist. Pulling her night gown up she saw the diaper, her cheeks flushed red and her mind ran ten miles a minute.

She felt so many emotions run over her all she could was cry.

Margie barged in the room and carefully picked up Edith, "what's wrong honey?" She asked bouncing her a bit.

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