Sand castles

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"Edith" Margie called out looking around the room.

She had woken up to change Edith's nappy which had come with a lot of fuss.

Edith had gone on a strike against the nappys, despite having accidents more consistently cause of her injury during the day.

Edith being the smart little she was slipped away from Margie before she could get changed for school.

"Come on sweetie we need to go before we miss breakfast, I heard from a little birdy today there's pancakes."

Edith's small voice rang out, "for real life?"

Margie walked out to the living room trying to find where the voice came from, "for real life."

Edith peaked out from her tent, Buttercups ear in her mouth being chewed on.

Margie picked her up making her squirm, "but only clean girls get breakfast, so let's get you changed."

Edith groaned tossing her head back, "can I at least wear a pull up today, please."

Margie put her on the changing table in the bathroom.  Edith gave her puppy eyes.

"Nah ah, the doctor said two weeks, it's only been one and half you have one more to go."

Edith chewed harder on poor buttercups ear as Margie finished changing her nappy and changing her into her a clean dry one.

Margie pulled Buttecups ear out of her mouth and dried buttercup, "poor buttercup is gonna go bald in one ear, that's what your pacifier is for silly girl."

Margie pulled out a dark blue pacifier and put it in her mouth before she could complain. To finish getting Edith ready for school. 

She clipped a pacifier clip onto her sweater, "don't lose this pacifier." Margie warned.

"I don't do it on purpose," Edith mumbled, as Margie put on her shoes.

"I know, little one but try your best." Margie put her down on the ground.


Edith was playing in the sand pit with Jess and Miles trying to build the tallest castle, she was laying in the sand her hand digging underneath to make a tunnel with Jess as Miles put more sand on top of their pile.

Concentrating really hard Edith began to chew on the side of her collar.

Miles shook his head and pulled it out, exchanging it for her pacifier.

Edith glared at Miles, who shook his head again, "Auntie Margie told me to."

"Trader," Edith huffed out. Pulling her hand out.

"Do you think will live in castle?" Jess asked concentrated on digging.

Edith shrugged.

Miles beamed up, "I think we will! A big castle. With four bedrooms and two baths you don't have to share!"

Edith laughed, " a castle has more rooms and baths than that."

"How would you know," Miles crossed his arms.

"I read it in a book, it's in every book!"

Jess nodded her head, "uh-hu, castles have a lot of rooms."

Miles got more excited bouncing on his knees, "more than four! That's a lot of rooms."

"Imagine how many places you could nap," Edith said.

"Says the one who falls asleep every where," Miles sassed.

"I do not!"

"Well you did fall asleep while we were lining up in the hall way to wash our hands," Jess added.

"It was a comfy wall," she muttered. "Point is more rooms more places to fall asleep."

"How about we make another castle to connect to this castle!" Jess said pulling her hand out as well.

Both Miles and Edith nodded in agreement.

Edith stood up dusting herself off, "I'll go ask Mrs. Sunshine for another bucket."

Running around the park to find Mrs. Sunshine.

Edith tripped by the sudden foot placed in front of her.

She groaned as it made her tummy hurt her diaper fill up to be squishy. Sitting up she was met with her best friend in the whole wide world, Emma.

Emma was laughing, "pathetic baby can't even walk."

Edith rolled her eyes and stood up ignoring her.

"What cat got your tongue baby or is it that stupid pacifier."

Edith let go of her pacifier making it fall to hang on to the clip.

"Leave me alone Emma," Edith said walking away.

Emma pulled her pacifier clip taking her pacy. "hey give it back !"

"Or what! Baby gonna cry for her binky, I'm doing you a favour, no one wants to adopt a stinky baby specially ones that wear diapers."

Edith bit her lip frustrated, she ran away from Emma to find Mrs. Sunshine.

It hadn't been the first time Emma stole her pacifier, all of the ones missing had been taken by her.

But Edith was to chicken to tell anyone, a part of her believing it's true. It was pathetic for her to act so childish to the point she was almost a baby.

It went against everything she had been before the academy a mature child who could be trusted for everything.

Now she can't even go to the bathroom without having an accident.

Maybe Emma was right and no one wanted a baby, and she was helping her, Edith thought.

"Mrs. Sunshine," Edith tapped her shoulder.

Mrs. Sunshine ducked down to her height. "Yes honey?"

"Do you have anymore buckets for the sand pit?"

"Of course we do, follow me." Leading them to the playground shelf Mrs. Sunshine handed Edith two new buckets. She furrowed her eyebrows seeing Edith without her pacifier.

"Edith, where's your pacy?"

"Oh," Edith looked down, "I fell down while running maybe I dropped it. I go check."

"Don't want to lose another," she ruffled her hair before Edith walked away.

🏰  🪣 🏝

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