4. Lucky (Hoodie x Reader) (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N)," I replied, glancing at Hoodie. He slightly faced me and gave me a nod of approval, then turned back towards the creature.

The creature shifted his 'gaze' towards Hoodie and they had another staring contest. I then realized they were having a staring contest, and instead were likely having a conversation.

Brian had informed me of your situation. I will allow you to stay for a while. After a short period of time if I do not deem you fit to be one of my 'employees', then you will be terminated. During your stay here I expect Hoodie to inform you of your situation and explain the rules to you. You may address me as Slenderman.

The creature finished explaining. I was extremely confused, though had a vague idea of what kind of employee he was referencing. I may be stupid, but i'm not that stupid.

Unless i'm wrong, and I am that stupid.

"Thank you. We will be on our way out now," Hoodie said. He stood up from his seat and grabbed my hand, pulling me up with probably a little more force than necessary and I stumbled forward a bit.

Slenderman 'stared' at us as we exited.


"I think that went well."

"Considering you aren't dead, that went phenomenally."

Me and Hoodie were sitting in his room, me in a spinny chair and him on his bed. He had yet to take his mask off, though considering the lack of manners the inhabitants of this place had, at least out of the ones I had met so far (Jeff), people probably didn't bother to knock, so it was likely more of a comfort thing rather than him not trusting me.

Which makes sense because I had already seen his face before.

I spun around in his chair, "So what are the rules?"

"Seriously?" He asked me, sounding slightly shocked.

"I mean like, yeah seriously, what are the rules?" I replied, not quite understanding what he meant. What else would I mean? Why wouldn't I want to know the rules?

"You don't want to know what kind of job you're getting yourself into?"

Oh that's what he meant.

"I already kinda figured out what was going on you know. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this 'job' involves some light murder. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely terrified about being here and against the idea of killing people, but I don't think i'm safe anywhere else. Plus, if it's bad people I'm killing, I think I could manage, or at least if I convinced myself they were bad," I explained. Though, in all honesty, I was trying to convince myself I would be okay with it.

He nodded, which I hoped signified he understood what I was saying.

"Okay, rules," Hoodie started, "The first one is pretty simple, no killing other residents. If i'm being honest though, half the time the residents are trying to kill each other. You just gotta hope you aren't the target any time soon because you probably won't survive. Don't worry though, if you die, whoever killed you will face some sort of punishment."

I just stared at him. Oh how I hoped I wouldn't be a target.

"Number two, complete your missions. Pretty easy, just kill the person and get out. Sometimes you gotta get rid of some evidence or commit some light arson, but overall it's pretty simple."

So on top of murder, I had to commit other crimes. Got it. Easy peasy. (not.)

"Third, don't lie to Slenderman. Self explanatory," Hoodie finished off.

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